moments are the proof of our existence some are heart rendering..some are sad..some makes us giggle whenever we remember them...in this life where everything is ever changing...these moments are what which stays
2025-03-05 09:25 marked
NSFW - Forced
Forced to have sex (where both participants are unwilling)
Forced to watch
Villains made them do it
Sex pollen / Sex magic
Fuck or die
Fuck to escape / sex escape room
Forced to watch
Villains made them do it
Sex pollen / Sex magic
Fuck or die
Fuck to escape / sex escape room
2025-01-02 13:56 marked
2025-01-02 13:54 marked
2024-06-02 15:51 marked
2024-05-23 09:13 marked
2024-03-21 07:13 marked
2024-03-04 23:03 marked
Sugar Daddies
Good looking daddies in good looking suits, with their dreamy eyes, slick hair, and sexy outfits.
2024-03-04 04:50 marked
Knotting // not limited to Omegaverse ;)
A “Knot” is kind of like a bulb type thing in the Seme’s penis that swells when they are aroused and keeps them locked inside their Uke during sex to increase chances of getting the Uke pregnant, this is called “Knotting”.
2023-11-29 00:37 marked
2023-10-29 06:36 marked
2023-10-28 01:24 marked
2023-10-28 01:23 marked
Kinky- Sex Toys, Bondage, and More
Title says it all. Aiming to please most of your kinky fetishes involving restraints, sex toys, occasional roleplay/lingerie-y. Warning: may have dubcon!
2023-10-02 12:34 marked