Ngl, i thought i was the only one fuming about the fl's behavior cuz wth, she infuriates me so much. How could someone be that dumb? And all her reasons are very terrible, like how do you blame a man for not being able to contact you when he is at war, if that was me i would be so freaking happy to see his body still intact. And they even told you the reason he wasn't able to contact you but you still blame him?! Wtf woman please use your freaking brain!

their relationship is so tiring and also the comments are so funny like, bruh some people just blame one side without considering both sides. Well for me both needs to talk and be honest with each other, if they do that then the problem would be fixed. A LITTLE COMMUNICATION WITH SOME COMPASSION is all you need to heal y'know.
This part is me ranting so don't read it if you don't agree with me.
reading this just felt like hell, some say it is realistic but for me? nah it's not, like how much the story is dragging for too long, real life is just not like that when two people fight you will say everything you want to hurt the other person even the things they hide that you discovered, but here? no they don't do that at all, yes they said some things that would hurt the other person but even then they would hold back the most important things that might actually help solve the misunderstanding. They never try to confront each other with a calm approach, do you see how they argue? they just shout at each other, they have no intention to hear each other at all. And the worst of all they ASSUME everything on their own without consulting the other person, like wtf? the ml is an asshole, who is cold and heartless when he speaks and act to his wife, while the wife is literally a dumbass instead of confronting the husband she do stupid things that would complicate the misunderstanding like kissing landen. The only one who keeps me from following this is their child, like bruh keeps your selves together, you have a 12 year old child how come you both are so pathetic and ass at conversations.

lmao most of the people are blaming the author for the story having r@pe when they clearly know that the story is not intended for lighthearted and sensitive people y'all we are already at chapter 63 you should understand that this webtoon is not going anywhere near wholesome, so if you are expecting this to change just because you want to, no it will not so i suggest you stop reading this and move on.

i feel like this is obvious at this point. I shouldn't even have to say this like normal people who doesn't like this kind of troupes would have already dropped this series by now. I feel like the 60+ chapters already made it clear where this story is going right? i mean it is very clear in the first chapters that this is not going to be a lighthearted story. Criticism is okay because that how a story improves, but you have to understand the genre of the story before you critize it for example your reading a story about a social psychopath and you want the story to have fluff and rainbows? like bitch make it make sense okayy? criticism should elevate the elements of the story not change it into a different genre entirely. Also you are free to feel frustrated but picking on the author and insulting their work and them is just under the belt, in the first place we are not contributing to them in anyway since we are reading in a illegal platform so we don't have any right to say disrespectful things to them.

They haven't even resolved the Almuten thingy so the violent behavior that comes with replenishing their powers or life or something to prevent themselves from becoming the enemy is still in the plot. It's shit that the author barely awards the mc some peace or the author adapting this novel rushing through the scenes but given the situation/premise, this chapter is expected.

im not gonna contradict what you said because you do have a point, still it could be worded politely. Instead of using vulgar words, use sentences that will atleast look nice or pleasing to the eyes. Sadly people don't know the word decency and would jump straight into using insulting words. Also our comment is about people insulting the author, and not giving them an ounce of respect they deserve.

i mean we can't do anything about that. It's their choice but still it is so frustrating to see nothing in the comment section but insults to the author, I'd be happy to read it if it is Constructive criticism but mostof the comments are just shitting on the author for not following what they want, and i think that is how kids act, when they don't get their favorite candy.

First off, English is not my first language. Second, my comment is referring to the OP, not including yours. I haven't even read yours. I am basically giving my 2 cents why I agree people should not expect anything wholesome when the main issue of the story has not been addressed resolved yet.
Lastly, not sure if the word conceited is the right term, ironic or hypocritical that you are calling me off for using the word SHIT. Decency or are you just prude? I am not trying to please or impress anyone. I am describing what the situation is and it is SHIT.

Idk how this was written in the novel but the adaptation is just messy. This threesome rape had so much potential to have suspense in it if it was done properly last chapter or two before this one. It feels like the author/illustrator/editor are held at gun point to adapt novel as fast as they can and just get to the sex scenes.

I agree. The sex scenes should be earned, whether it's violent or romantic, it has to be earned and make sense. I've had this problem since the beginning and the only reason why I'm still reading is because I am actually interested how almuten is going to be destroyed. The most annoying the sex scene was the romantic one with the ML. It just came out of nowhere. It seemed like there was no skipped chapter, it's just how they adapted it.

first off im not calling you off, im calling others off if you read other comments below this. I hope you understand my point, im saying they should use polite words atleast when trying to speak words about the author. I just agreed with you that what you said is my opinion too. English is also not my first language my response is only based on my understanding of your opinion.

that is part of the story you have to accept, also if it's bad writing you can say it in a way where you don't have to insult others opinions. We can all be civil when trying to debate and not put others down when they have a different opinion than you. Also we are not making shit up that is our opinion and you should learn that not everyone sees it the same as you, if you don't agree with us then you can argue in a civil way okay? you don't sound critical at all you just sound rude.

did you not understand anything i said?? lol and when was i not civil? and who tf is we?? and how is what i said not critical did you even read it? i did not insult anybody else’s opinion so i’m not sure what your problem is? i said you’re making shit up bc nobody is saying they expected this to be a light hearted story. try reading my comment again but slower.

i did read also i said we because as you see above me and another commenter are agreeing on a topic. And that topic is what you commented to saying that no one said no one in this story expected it to be lighthearted, when in fact there is you are generalizing everyone and saying that no one expected that when it is very clear that many does. Also saying that you don't insult but say "we are making shit up" when it is clearly visible that we are not making things up and the comment is just based on what people said below. Saying things things "why does this series have r@pe and other psychological things involved". When they should clearly know that this is not a wholesome story, do in the 60+ chapters not make it clear that this story is not going to do what they want? and it will keep going worst from now on.

Also don't try to say the making shit up thing again because i can clearly screenshot all of the comments that were trying to change the genre of the story. A constructive criticism should make a story better but not change it entirely. The best example could be "why is the story jumping on another issue when the other one has not finished yet." This counts as a constructive criticism. But saying " Why this has r@pe and red flag shit, the author is shit and nuts for putting continuous psychological scenes". This doesn't count as constructive criticism because you are not trying to give a proper feedback, you just want to complain for the sake of complaining. If you want other things to a story then find a genre that has that trait and suits your tastes. This was what i was trying to say. As i said constructive criticism is always welcome, but insulting someones hard work isn't.

LMFAO i have given PLENTY of constructive criticism in the comments, not that anybody is owed it! and saying you’re making shit up is not an insult LOL. people saying “why does this have rape in it” (which i did see) does not mean they expect or want this story to be wholesome lol. gratuitous rape that adds absolutely nothing to the story but fetish porn is not what makes it psychological!! psychological stories may have rape in them but it is not a psychological trait!! people can complain when this shit is thrown in for nothing. it’s BAD WRITING. you can screenshot all you want idc but i did not see anybody expecting this to be lighthearted. and this story is full of shit writing. keep crying over my comments if you want but i did not insult anybody except the author’s shit writing.

won is a psychopath i feel sorry for both brothers, especially jinseo. The poor guy got mindbreak by this piece of shit ml and jinha might be the next to break, if only i could go inside the story and beat the shit out of won, I'd be so glad. If only jinseo didn't met won them he might not have died and he maybe is still close to jinha, based on the raws i read both brothers are good before meeting won. And won is the reason for all this misery, yes he got manipulated by his ex but it isn't a justification to also manipulate others just like what they did to you, and worst of all the one he manipulated died and commit suicide i hate him so much really. I thought sangwoo is the worst, i mean he is also a psychopath and a killer but won is just on a whole other level of psychopath he is not only crazy he is also a gaslighter, a manipulator, a liar, a piece of shit and everything worst in the world.
sorry for the rant but im just so angry, there is no justice for jinseo please author i need won to go to jail atleast and suffer for what he did.
Im kind of baffled how people dont respect byul's choice to see his grandma. Yeah the mom did something bad to hyesung, and its completely justified if hyesung doesn't wanna see her. However byul's is his own person he can make choices for himself, so yall dont have to say "Oh hyesung gonna be so sad, his son is meeting up with the evil woman who abandoned him." For hyesung she might be the most evil human being in existence but for byul she is just his grandma, the one who gave birth to his mother.
Im not saying she should be forgiven, but you shouldn't control about how another person should interact with another person just because you have a bad experience with them. And hyesung isn't even mad at his mother, hyesung just felt like he didn't need her, he didn't hate her he just felt like she is just a stranger now. If yall keep this up you just make yourselves sound like immature thirteen year olds.
She left her son with an abusive person when he was five and just moved on with her life... got married again made a new family and never checked up on him again until he hit the news...and then she got mad and blamed him for never trying to reach out for her.. you call that a mother?
If you were abused would you be okay with your closest people, your family, the people you trust the most in the world, meeting them as usual? Supporting them financially? Updating them and talking about you? All that behind your back..
Respect? Where is the respect towards Hyesung? Sure, Byul doesn't know what happened, but he is 17 yo and he is been meeting her for years now and he knows something happened, but he never bothered asking what... Dojin is even worse, he knows everything and exactly how it effected Hyesung and he still does this.
As an immature thirteen years old (according to you), who knows how it feels.... its make you lose all hope and want to ... its not about controling peoples choices its about trusting them to not to betray you... and no matter how you look at this, thats what they did...
yes i have been in a abusive household did i think about forgiving the one who abused me? NO, but will i feel betrayed if my loved ones wanted to see them? NO i dont think its a matter of being betrayed specially in this case where the one you should be blaming is the father. Yall keep on dunking on the mom like yes she's a terrible person but what is even the main reason she became a terrible person. STOP BEING DOUBLE STANDARDS. hyesung even said byul is already a grown up he knows what he is doing, and as the ones who watched him be made arent we the ones who should understand his feelings the most? Why do you keep dwelling on the past, you will never be able to move on if you keep thinking about insignificant things (talking about the grandma) Just be happy that byul is able to make his own decision, and whatever the conclusion or consequences of his action im with him until the end.