Raliva February 13, 2020 5:05 pm

This whole thought of “don’t shame me!” is utter stupidity. Name any other character that is a rapist and tell me that is it okay to ship them with the main character because they are “hot and attractive”. (Yeah, of course I will ship Bryce with Hannah in 13 reasons why because it’s stimulates me and makes me turned on! [if I see anyone on of you hypocrites try and say that that’s not the same you better be quiet and stop being in denial])..That fact that people get turned on by someone getting raped (I don’t give a crap if it’s fiction and glorify it is stupid) is so odd.

I stopped reading this comic because of the fans. I literally have seen people demonise Inhun, and suggest that Seungho is better, seriously? Like they both have their flaws, but it does not take a genius to decipher the lesser of evils..

Anyway, I love dark stories, but fans that blindly follow anything the author does and lack virtue bother me. People see the main character in tears, hurt and they do not even want the best for him, really? I feel bad for him. The poor guy got raped and the majority enjoy it. Look, rape in fiction in of itself is not bad — if used for example, to tell a testimony or spread awareness about the consequences it can possibly have — but when people romanticise it, it becomes a bit of a problem.

That’s all — I apologise for the rant.

    Danae February 13, 2020 5:45 pm

    I don't think the thought of 'don't shame me' is stupidity. People have the right to push back when they are being shamed for their tastes and they are not doing harm towards anyone. This is even more justified when they assume that people are aware of the non normative taboo they are getting into so it's even more confusing to see a lot of people choosing to read something they clearly don't like it and then proceed to shame the readers who do.
    If you post an opinion where you can't criticize the story without criticizing the readers, you are provoking the reaction and obviously you are putting down others.
    Nor do I think that people need to name or explain themselves all the time why they enjoy or ship a couple in a Yaoi story. Taste in fiction and Yaoi is wide ranged. I for instance can't stand a rape plot where the character is not given any background, historic or psychological, that explains his actions. A average guy suddenly catches his student cheating on his test and then proceeds to rape him and all the guy does is complain but even though he lives free and modern, the rape is not rape. However, I am very well okay with shipping the MCs in Warehouse and even Killing Stalking and here because the rape matches a character not being good or he is doing what is expected of him, etc and yes, if I read Yaoi, I allow myself to tolerate a story of redemption for a rapist even if I wouldn't do it in real life.
    First of all, almost all shippers here do not want to see Nakyum suffer and we are on it to see Seungho change his behavior. Everyone who is following this story wants the best for Nakyum. However, the readers who chose to read this obvious rape plot story and get upset because others don't want to denounce, reject and get outraged are a lot out of line when they start putting others down as 'lack virtue' or follow blindly anything the author does.
    I like this story, I am rooting for Nakyum to be happy and, like I said, I am okay with a rapist like Seungho who is given the context to develop into a redemption arc in this.
    We are adults here. This is a story for 18+ old. If people want to 'romanticize rape' in their fiction, it's their prerogative and they shouldn't be holding themselves just to make other readers feel better, especially if they chose to read a novel that had the trigger warnings. I don't like shotacon, I can't relate to it but I don't start reading one of it and then remain chapter after chapter complaining about the readers that are doing anything to me. If I am the one bothered by it, I shouldn't be there.
    You are basically saying that unless people see the story like you, they are accepting blindly what they read when they could just be enjoying what you are not. Simple as that.
    No shipper here is forcing anyone to ship the couple but the non shippers are non stop attacking the readers with the same kind of 'you have no virtue' kind of judgement.

    I apologize for the rant but I am getting tired of the same kind of posts where you all come up with some kind of shaming and wanting a pass for making people feel bad for their tastes or their tolerance towards something. The common thing among all of you who get bothered by readers who are just enjoying their Yaoi that you all paint yourselves superior in some fashion.

    I tell you, you are not. People who are shipping this couple are not inferior to you intellectually, morally or in any shape or form no matter how much you convince yourself of the contrary.

    Raliva February 13, 2020 6:24 pm
    I don't think the thought of 'don't shame me' is stupidity. People have the right to push back when they are being shamed for their tastes and they are not doing harm towards anyone. This is even more justified... Danae

    Indeed, definitely “not harmful”! No, but really I have seen people on other threads say repeatedly that having a mentality thoroughly sympathetic to the rapist harms them (I am not sure if that person is a troll or not, and most of us do not know, so you can not just say such statement because you assume that no harm is being done.)

    I read the story because I liked it. I do not mind gritty, dark, brutual scenes in fiction. I like how the author did not align the story in way that would make Nakyum accept the atrocious action that happened to him. What I do dislike is people who make it distasteful by even implying that their ship is justified. Sure, you may ship, but if you even attempt to make it seem as your ship has no fault, that it is great and fine for the main character to be treated such way, and as some others have stated before that every other character (like inhun for example) is evil and the rapist is good? Okay, then believe that but that shows that people do in fact lack virtue. I prefer someone who admits that there ship is sick and twisted then someone who will twist their ship to be perceived in a way that it can be deemed decent.

    I am not morally superior, just tired of these ridiculous arguments in favour of abhorrent things. The fact that you said adults are the one who approve of this, deeply saddens me. I don’t see you guys as inferior, I just see this all as a catalyst to so many wicked desires in people that many will deny, but subconsciously people pick up things from fiction. I assuming that you see it as okay because you are blessed and have never experienced such thing personally. People are fighting for better representation in fiction because they know that sometimes fiction is the closest people get to empathise or understanding something. A majority of people like you will never get it because you even understand. Being against rape in real life is not enough, if one really cared why vindicate your actions?

    I like the author, the story, even the characters (including Seungho because he is interesting, but I still want him to reap what he shows unlike the majority of you guys — whyich is why I say the majority of you ship blindly acting as if Seungho is the all righteous Lord who has no flaws). I believe she will conclude the story in a way that will make sure that Nakyum gets justice and Seungho will face consequences — that is what I am excited to see.

    The shippers here spend their time glorifying and shoving their ships down people’s throat if they didn’t do that I wouldn’t be so angry, but when people like me speak up we are the bad people. Stop dignifying it then! Why can’t you guys understand that?

    Pringlesss February 13, 2020 6:42 pm
    Indeed, definitely “not harmful”! No, but really I have seen people on other threads say repeatedly that having a mentality thoroughly sympathetic to the rapist harms them (I am not sure if that person is a... Raliva

    Take a chill pill dude, it’s just fiction. You are basically saying that “video games cause violence” (LOL) like dude just because some people like it in fiction doesn’t mean they would enjoy it irl. Stop comparing reality to fiction, if you had such an experience (hopefully not) seek professional help or look for media that give you proper representation. But wanting to say that people that like this ship are lacking, is dumb. I get it you don’t like the ship, that’s okey you are free to not do that but people that like it also have the right to express their opinion on it.
    Chill dude chill (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Raliva February 13, 2020 6:44 pm
    Take a chill pill dude, it’s just fiction. You are basically saying that “video games cause violence” (LOL) like dude just because some people like it in fiction doesn’t mean they would enjoy it irl. St... Pringlesss

    Mate, read the comment above. If you have nothing substantial to say then do not say anything at all.

    Danae February 13, 2020 7:14 pm
    Indeed, definitely “not harmful”! No, but really I have seen people on other threads say repeatedly that having a mentality thoroughly sympathetic to the rapist harms them (I am not sure if that person is a... Raliva

    Well, where to start? So you are saying that we are responsible somehow for real victims of abuse and rape if we don't reject, refuse and denounce rape plots in Yaoi stories and agree with you? Wow. Wow. Wow.
    " I've seen people saying that being sympathetic towards rapist harms them"
    Jesus mother of Christ, what the world is this where people now were everyone is responsible for particular feelings one can have especially when they CHOOSE to read things that triggers them?
    For one, we are supposed to be adults and be responsible for our own mind safety and actions. If you choose to read things that upsets you it's not anyone else to be your nanny. And if your implication is that there are children reading this, I'm sorry, that's on their parents for letting them.
    I can't be responsible for people who gets upset over something that I will say. This is ridiculous.
    "Being against rape in real life is not enough, if one really cared why vindicate yours actions?" What the hell are you talking about??? I can read a story about a serial killer who gets away with his crimes and enjoy it and still that doesn't mean that condone killing in real life or glorify it. I can read a story about someone stealing, cheating, and doing horrible things in fiction and like it and still this will never, ever mean that I am supporting the thing in real life.
    You guys really need to stop using serious matters like real life rape and abuse to win arguments in Yaoi stories -- YAOI that every intelligent person knows is not realistic depiction of anything, not homosexual relationships, even less romantic ones. It's fantasy. It's escape. It is not to be taken as moral standard banner for anything.
    You shaming just got worse. Now, not only you are shaming people who are doing nothing to you, just enjoying their particular brand of Yaoi, you have the nerve to say they are somehow responsible for real life victims pain. WTF!!!
    First of all, you know nothing about me. Don't pretend to know what I have been through or not based on what I like to read. Read the Yaoi page in Wikipedia.
    You keep writing things that are not even true. Almost no one here praises Seungho as righteous lord. Where? Most of us point that he started the story killing someone who we all knew he was a bad guy from the get go. Acting surprised that he did more bad things is what is confusing to most of us.
    Also, it's totally up to you to expect Seungho to meet a bad ending. However, again, not your place, business or even right to judge people who wants differently.
    I say what I said again.... if you choose to read something that will trigger you it is not everyone's job to walk on egg shells to protect your feelings.
    This is an adult story for people who can tell the difference between fiction and reality and if you can't, that's not on anybody's else back. It's on you.
    No one is 'glorifying' rape because they read Yaoi, especially if they don't even say that they want the rape to continue. Judging people because they want to see a redemption story in fiction is not your place either.
    You chose to read a rape plot story that would trigger you and then you ask people to read it your way so you will feel better as if we were all responsible for your sanity. If the story and the shippers bother you, it's your choice to keep reading this. Nobody is shoving the ship down your throat. Who the hell is forcing you to ship them? Who the hell is telling you to ship them? You on the other hand is the only one here trying to force people into doing something to please you
    Why can't you understand this? I keep reading your post and I can't believe you are saying you are being forced to do something when in fact your whole post is intended to force people into your adjusting their experiences to please you. unbelievable.

    Raliva February 13, 2020 7:29 pm
    Well, where to start? So you are saying that we are responsible somehow for real victims of abuse and rape if we don't reject, refuse and denounce rape plots in Yaoi stories and agree with you? Wow. Wow. Wow." ... Danae

    My goodness, I am tired of you guys. What part of justify don’t you understand?? Stop twisting my words. I said that if you are against something and VINDICATE not just read, listen or watch it. Do I need to put it in bold or italics for you? Gosh..

    I am going to say this again, since you did not understand what I wrote (read the last sentence carefully and don’t jump into conclusions): “I read the story because I liked it. I do not mind gritty, dark, brutual scenes in fiction. I like how the author did not align the story in way that would make Nakyum accept the atrocious action that happened to him. What I do dislike is people who make it distasteful by even implying that their ship is justified. Sure, you may ship, but if you even attempt to make it seem as your ship has no fault, that it is great and fine for the main character to be treated such way, and as some others have stated before that every other character (like inhun for example) is evil and the rapist is good? Okay, then believe that but that shows that people do in fact lack virtue. I prefer someone who admits that there ship is sick and twisted then someone who will twist their ship to be perceived in a way that it can be deemed decent.”

    I never said the story bothers me?? Did you read what I wrote?? If you don’t glorify it fine, my comments are not directed at you, but when did I say by reading Yaoi people are glorifying rape? I beg you to please re-read.

    Danae February 13, 2020 8:02 pm

    I'm sorry but I am not twisting your words. They are there plain and simple.
    You are trying to put on Yaoi readers who ship this couple responsibilities for real abuse or other people's feelings and this is out of line.
    Just because you can't relate to someone's taste, it doesn't make you right and them wrong, no matter how many ways you try to justify it.
    No one is shoving a ship down your throat but you are the one trying to shame others into stop shipping a FICTIONAL couple for your sake.
    The irony of your post trying to bring real life abuse responsibility to shame readers here is that Yaoi is a genre known to be created as a safe place for women to engage in fantasies without being judged by it.
    You keep saying that because we ship a couple that involves a rapist and a victim is the same thing to glorify real rape and that is a lie, no matter how many time you repeat it. This is fiction and the buck stops here.
    Enjoying non normative sex and actions in fiction, believe or not, is many times things that actually help. That's the whole point of being mature enough to know what your are reading.
    Not never your place to tell others how to enjoy their fiction. Even more to lay them any responsibility for how others feel about their tastes or put on them the job to make them feel better -- especially if you chose to read something that triggers them like a rapist-to-lover yaoi story.

    Ruki February 13, 2020 10:39 pm
    I'm sorry but I am not twisting your words. They are there plain and simple. You are trying to put on Yaoi readers who ship this couple responsibilities for real abuse or other people's feelings and this is out... Danae

    Thank you lord we still have ppl with a right working brain d( ̄  ̄)

    Jess M February 14, 2020 1:28 am
    I don't think the thought of 'don't shame me' is stupidity. People have the right to push back when they are being shamed for their tastes and they are not doing harm towards anyone. This is even more justified... Danae

    Thank you. Couldn't have said it any better. Tired of people judging others for liking something that isn't to their taste and going so far to even tell them that they 'lack virtue'. So holier than thou

    Pringlesss February 14, 2020 3:51 am
    Mate, read the comment above. If you have nothing substantial to say then do not say anything at all. Raliva

    I read it m8, still think we are blowing things out of proportion, let people be dude.
    Chill (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Raliva February 14, 2020 4:34 pm
    I'm sorry but I am not twisting your words. They are there plain and simple. You are trying to put on Yaoi readers who ship this couple responsibilities for real abuse or other people's feelings and this is out... Danae

    You did. Say what you want, but don’t lie — that makes you look less credible. Fiction has effect on people whether you like it or not just because you are not self-aware does not mean you should say an idiotic sentiment like that. Thanks.

    blue_sao_ February 15, 2020 7:11 am
    You did. Say what you want, but don’t lie — that makes you look less credible. Fiction has effect on people whether you like it or not just because you are not self-aware does not mean you should say an idi... Raliva

    Everything has some kind of effect on ppl but that doesn’t mean it has to be negative. I don’t know how you have the right to speak for ppl that may have been molested do you have been through that? If not than you shouldn’t be able to judge. I can because I have in my childhood. I don’t feel triggered at all by that because I can see the difference between reality and fiction. You and some other ppl obviously can’t.

    Pringlesss February 15, 2020 8:59 am
    Everything has some kind of effect on ppl but that doesn’t mean it has to be negative. I don’t know how you have the right to speak for ppl that may have been molested do you have been through that? If not ... blue_sao_

    Exactly my point... seriously like their argument reminds me of the whole “videogames cause violence” fiasco. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    blue_sao_ February 15, 2020 10:23 am
    Exactly my point... seriously like their argument reminds me of the whole “videogames cause violence” fiasco. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Pringlesss

    For real tho -_- every person is in control of his own mind so if a person is gonna go and kill someone after playing a shooter that’s not because of the game it’s because that person had some problems to begin with god damn... it’s way much more complex then just putting the blame all on the consumed media

Raliva December 18, 2019 5:32 pm

Lol people in this comment section are acting as if Seungho is better than inhun stop kidding yourself. This guy literally rapped the main character and you are throwing insults at the teacher? Okay, whatever, I don’t know why people just hate anyone that isn’t a main character

    afroluv December 18, 2019 5:55 pm

    The comments are looking ahead at chapter 29....

    xMorfium December 18, 2019 6:15 pm

    Ok boomer

    Kuzo December 18, 2019 6:17 pm

    Borh of them are no better. So, just choose anyone you like! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Starsandmetaphors December 18, 2019 6:41 pm

    Man, i'm looking forward to some fly ass rapping from Seungho. I'm not okay with the raping though.

    Raliva December 18, 2019 6:45 pm
    Man, i'm looking forward to some fly ass rapping from Seungho. I'm not okay with the raping though. Starsandmetaphors

    I like him as a character. He is interesting I just hate the hypocrisy

Raliva December 12, 2019 9:16 pm

Someone spoil the ending for me please!!

Raliva November 30, 2019 5:02 pm

Joowon for the win!!

Raliva November 15, 2019 10:10 pm

Guys, spoil me with what happens after please!

Raliva November 1, 2018 6:49 am

Raws? Please?

Raliva August 26, 2018 12:15 pm

So good.

Raliva July 4, 2018 6:56 am

This is so good. But does anyone have the raws though?

Raliva January 21, 2018 6:14 pm

Can someone spoil the ending for me? I read it but I don’t get it.

Raliva January 10, 2018 7:09 pm

I love Sun yool so much. I really don’t get the hate? I ship him and Jisuh, rather than with Heejae—since it is quite a simple ship to me, so..—anyway, I at least hope for a 3p so that there won’t be conflict and just happiness.

    Sebastian Michaelis January 10, 2018 7:38 pm

    I know right? I would be delighted to read that kind of ending, since if it ends like that, everyone in the story would be happy (i would be happy too, lol)

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