Kek's feed

Every chapter made me want to claw my eyes out. The prince is a rapist that only thinks with his dick. What pure love? He's just a despicable pervert who's horny. The MC is regretfully a doormat who lets the prince, her classmates and the original MC walk all over her. When she rejects the prince for raping her and he acts all sad she wants to apologise to him?! Has he ever apologised for violating her? Falls in love with this dude for what?! Also after she got raped AGAIN by another random guy this time, she has sex with the prince MERE MOMENTS AFTER. This is pure filth and the author uses rape not even as a plot device, but as an accessory to their story.

The plot point of them having sex to increase her magic is also the most stupidest shit I've ever read. I hope the original MC kills both of them so this story doesn't continue.