ok... the presentation of this story was done in a reeeally weird way, i even thought that some pages or chapters were missing but no. i think they chose a really random moment to begin the story, thus, the characters and their relationship were introduced to us us in a very confusing manner. im liking it so far but gOD am i confused

You're right about it being confusing at the start, and it is intended that way. It will start to make sense once you read further about their past. Also, about the translation, it gets better or rather changed to a better translation at around chapter 40. They also changed the fonts so you'll be able to tell

I also had stopped reading this before because the start was just too confusing and I had to put it on hold for 2 years before reading it again . Then I saw that it had an animation so I thought I'd give it a read again. I started from the start again and I was close to giving up on it because the start was really confusing but I forced myself because I was curious to see what's the hype all about. When the plot started to add up I couldn't stop reading anymore
that was so fucking sweet ikm