TMI but this is just making me feel ugly sigh I can’t read this
Is this still uploading ??? I thought this was like an old completed manga .. is it even worth reading ?
Just started so lmk if it gets better but how does the protag know how to use magic as well as just generally having super op skill and proficiency in it … idk too unrealistic for me I think
Spoiler warning : why the hellll did they freeze Sato instead of containing him and letting him die of old age?! If they wanted Demi humans to experiment on (not that I like that idea) why not use the other criminals ? Also any theories about who the special task force people were ?I’m leaning towards Aijin in a different country, perhaps the contained American ones - using their shadows as remotely controlled soldiers. Which is why they were able to see the other shadows / their bullets were able to affect the shadows … probably used parts of the shadow body as bullets.
I can’t find it … can’t find Monster either
Didn’t like it, it’s a bad story ngl - I like the art style but everything else is shock value for shock value. There’s no real plot.
I’m confused why does she have big arms?
I think I’ve forgotten key points in the recent chapters- I need a mini breakdown
This is too good , everything about this comic is absolute perfection. Thank you to the author, thank you to the artists. Sorry for reading it illegally but I’m going to Korea in a couple months and I’ll buy all copies of the book whilst I’m there so forgive me
Xoxo Slickidy
Damn why do I lowkey get the feeling that they’ll never see each other again
Recommendations for anything with a unique concept ? Sick of levelling up and reincarnated villainess bs
So she was kicked out of a rich family and her birth family are even richer ? Confused.. and the pink haired girl is the actual daughter to her fake family? Then why isn’t she going back to them ? Idk
What’s with the Japanese and their obsession with dating high schoolers…
Literally turned 20 yesterday and I my response to the last slide would be to walk away and not look back tf