Spoiler warning : why the hellll did they freeze Sato instead of containing him and letting him die of old age?! If they wanted Demi humans to experiment on (not that I like that idea) why not use the other criminals ? Also any theories about who the special task force people were ?I’m leaning towards Aijin in a different country, perhaps the contained American ones - using their shadows as remotely controlled soldiers. Which is why they were able to see the other shadows / their bullets were able to affect the shadows … probably used parts of the shadow body as bullets.

Didn’t like it, it’s a bad story ngl - I like the art style but everything else is shock value for shock value. There’s no real plot.

No I still stand by my review. It’s bad and tries to compensate with being provocative - if we’re talking movies, this garbage doesn’t come close to actual good horror like Hereditary or Midsommar. Also gay is a stretch, he raped and groomed kids- wouldn’t associate that with being gay, it’s more just being a pedophile.
TMI but this is just making me feel ugly sigh I can’t read this