NeonRain's experience ( All 0 )

NeonRain's answer ( All 2 )

I agree as a mostly straight 22 year old cis woman. I got into yaoi when I was 11. I'd say that my obsession with yaoi has been purely fictional (which I agree that a LOT of people try and force it into the real world). 1. I can't really answer this. I'm sure I've thought this in my younger years. I believe people use the imaginary, sometimes unr......   3 reply
15 12,2018
Here's the deal. When I was younger (ages 16 and below) I was interested in reading rape yaoi and even thought it was hot. I always thought to myself, "yaoi is fiction, this isn't happening for real." and I felt better reading it with that mindset. But yaoi, and many other manga, replicate situations from the real world, making the rape more believ......   reply
05 06,2017

NeonRain's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do masturbated to yaoi

Honestly I'm too scared to do so thats the only reason why I haven't yet done it

44 minutes
did listen to a song on repeat

using you by mars argo

6 hours
did listen to a song on repeat

why so lonely by wonder girls its so fucking good like dont even get me started the bridge rap chorus melody everythings perfect i LUV

7 hours