surycat's experience ( All 0 )

surycat's answer ( All 1 )

03 10,2020
Hi there, What you're feeling is perfectly normal ! You're entitled to feel sad, angry or confused about all this. I think you should talk to your parents about this. They absolutely CANNOT talk about their sex life and intimate relationships in front of you. You shoudn't have to be involved this much in your parents marital life. You're their chi......   1 reply
03 10,2020

surycat's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did lose a friend

Yk gradually growing apart from friends is sad but what's sadder is getting backstabbed because they never cared for you like you did for th

33 minutes
did toxic friends

I told my friend I was going to study chemistry in school and she told me I’m too stupid for STEM :’)

9 hours
did reminisce about old times

I like to reminisce about the past a lot I wish I can go back that would be nice

10 hours