This was something unexpected that I clicked on and yet I liked the fresh POV and slice of life story the author gives us. There are different main characters, but it doesn’t get confusing and all of their stories are interwoven together as the story progresses. Can’t wait to see how this all ends up.

The Raws are complete along with the side stories with their children.
I’m pretty sure that sekira son has a thing for Elina daughter and rupiahs child is just chillin with them and idk what’s the deal with the uncle (red haired guy)
My favorite moments would be sekira and arodie being lovey dicey filter and then pans to the main couple in sand filter and it’s just the two others sick of it. The moment when Yuriaden goes after his wife and the girls fawn over him showing his emotions for Elina. They won’t get their lovey dicey moment until closer to the end. A funny moment is when both main couple and sekira and arodie are traveling in separate carriages and later yuriaden says he’s going after elina that the roidwin decided to go along bc ge doesn’t want to hear anything like he did while they were in the carriage..lol

Here’s the Raws complete with side stories: https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/153227?stx=왕의+공녀&title=왕의+공녀

Saw the latest raws and when I thought it couldn't get weirder, author just had to give us another curveball...wonder what FL will do next.
Raws: https://lovehug.net/303/52971/

just saw the cover for book 2 and its so cute. https://api.distribution.mediadotech.com/viewers/bsreader/index.html?cgi= https%3A%2F%2Fapi.distribution.mediadotech.com%2Fdistributions%2Fcontents%2Fbsreader%2Fdizeapam&colophon=&colophon_size=&favicon_path=&finish_reading=¶m=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%3D.f28209282055a86ee435095a7ca5170347ab9804362ef22c16df9342b453918758df1c5c78d76bd9b21d16c03f93852891642fa9e16c68e511e1745f3334ec04&splash=&splash_color=&splash_delay=&splash_size=&title=&url=close

Read the synopsis of the Vol 1-6 and saw that in the newset vol (vol 6) they have already divorced and it's 3 years now and Momose has competition to win back the love of Akiba, bc there's a new guy with a kid shes been dating for 2 years.) https://www.shodensha.co.jp/konintodoke/ (I just translated site to English to read the synopsis)

It’s still ongoing, the latest volume (vol 7) says that after 3 years, (mtl synopdis so take with grain of salt) akiba and momose are going to live together again. But, momose ask akiba for permission? Got one sided feelings. And that the other guy, satsuki, a single father sharing s room with akiba and his ex wife akari who appeared for the first time in years. The relationship between ex husband and wife is not straight forward. https://www.shodensha.co.jp/konintodoke/
Knowing from what I read in the spoilers and the content from the web novel, it really does give a whole new perspective of how much FL was holding back on her true self and those that wanted her to stay but only knowing her “mask” self including the emperor really a takes a look back at how painful it must be for FL and that maybe the emperor just wants that “mask” version of FL since that’s where the change and slow acceptance and kindness he felt for her was fake self so I can see that she’ll want to leave and be free in the long end. But for our ML he knows about this mask FL carries and still wants to know more about her and so I can see him still trying to pursue her, good luck trying to get past her dad and the 3 bros behind her lmao.
Can you tell me the spoiler please? Or where I can get it?
Everything that I learned it was from the spoiler thread from Novel Updates for this novel.