this was honestly a waste of time :/ first of all, there was no character development at all. the whole time it was just shouji chasing after yamamoto and yamamoto rejecting him. shouji keeps on chasing him because yamamoto leads him on subconsciously(?) yamamoto doesn't want him to leave but he continues to reject him, it's like wanting a relationship but not wanting to commit. shouji is just plain dumb falling for someone like that and yamamoto is a pussy <3

bcs in all honesty, it was his fault for his burns. endeavor tried to stop him, but touya just wouldn't listen. but i do acknowledge endeavor played a part in his villain back story but man, i didnt expect endeavor to actually restrain touya from using his powers, bcs i thought he was the one forcing touya to use his quirk. turns out touya was the one digging up his grave lol

Not a Dabi Stan but if you read this chapter and thought that endeavor actually tried to restrain Dabi..... read it again.
The whole reason Dabi kept burning himself was to be acknowledged by endeavor because he basically ignored and neglected him after endeavor found him useless because his quirk wouldn’t allow him to surpass endeavor which was his main goal for him.

I still understand Dabi stans cause like you said, before we were led to believe Dabi was forced to burn himself all the way up till today. And now all of the sudden it’s equal parts Endeavour, Rei and Dabi’s fault. I feel like this was done in order to have ppl sympathize with endeavour more and have Dabi not look so innocent. Cause otherwise, why the sudden shift in the story?

I don’t thinks it’s equal part because I feel as though Touyas reaction was how a lot of people if they were in his same situation would react. Also I think it was to not so much as to show Dabi looking not so innocent but to show how endeavor and Rei was of raising and their treatment to him made him turn out. Also a lot of people think that Dabi should like and sympathize with Shoto because of their trauma but this chapter showed how mentally abused Touya was by Endeavor and that Shoto being born was his breaking point which is crazy. Shoto was every thing Touya wanted to be for endeavor and what he worked hard for and so seeing a baby put in no effort and take all the attention that he wanted from endeavor shattered what was left of his all ready stomped on mental state.Moral is they both deserved better and the both need a hug and Endeavor and Rei can burn..

sorry but your argument isn’t correct. why did touya push himself? bc endeavor had already planted the goal in his head (surpassing all might) and later realized he wasn’t good enough (bc they kept having kids). that’s why touya pushed himself, to show endeavor that he could use his quirk well, despite the side effects. endeavor trying to stop him from hurting himself is seen as a good action to most but to touya? it was the one of the worst. he knows that he hurts himself when using his fire so if he asks touya to stop, it looks like endeavor is asking him to stop all his efforts. it’s saying that him burning himself is the greatest set back in his quirk. since the burning comes with his quirk, it sounds to touya that he should just stop trying. he was practically deemed a failure when he got burns from his quirk. so to show endeavor that it didn’t matter and that he could handle it, he kept on using it. so yeah it was his choice but when it comes to kids, you have to look at why they doing it. they don’t do anything without a reason.
blame touya for his actions as dabi, but never for what he did as a child.
why'd he have to say it like that