i had a feeling that the guy liked the brother and the brother gave me ‘im homophobic but im gay’ vibes so i was surprised but like not!!! anyone else?!??

Here : https://newtoki92.com/webtoon/232519/빠나나-스캔들?stx=스캔들 they aren't much help though, I knew about this bc someone said it a long time ago.. sorry

He never was he just felt like his brother was leaving him and both of them went behind his back and he felt betrayed and didn’t understand why they went so far to hide it plus it’s kinda weird when your best friend hits on your sibling. I have a sibling and if my best friend did that it’d be a little weird. He did get a little too angry but like he said he wasn’t going to cut ties with him, kinda like a dad finding out his daughter has a bf behind his back. He’d probs be mad/sad
so this is super good ive been looking forward to it all week but i really dont like when they meet in childhood and maybe they both dont remember or one does (i dont recall if they remember in this one), idk its pointless, why can't they just meet for the first time in their adult lives... sorry if that sounds nitpicking
but if they wanted to portray the omegas childhood and the way he grew up neglected then they should've just done that without having them already know eachother
These writers love to add bits like this mid story too, and it often has no bearing on anything other than a “that was you??” later on.