Hii so i think this has happened in a couple of things i have read but basically
- the bottom is gay but top is 'straight' but they do the deed and while doing it the bottom has a big shirt covering the front (his dick) and the top ask him why he doesnt take off his shirt and bottom says he doesnt want him to get grossed out or something pls help me!! i think it was a manhwa because i think it was in color but not 100%sure
So the two guys mostly just sleep together but they end up breaking up and the bottom gets drunk and sleeps with the top again and that becomes a cycle and im not sure if those details are correct but then the top ends up telling him he actually has to stop and im pretty sure theres around 60 chapters and its on hiatus! pls lmk if it sounds familiar bc i wanna reread it
so this is super good ive been looking forward to it all week but i really dont like when they meet in childhood and maybe they both dont remember or one does (i dont recall if they remember in this one), idk its pointless, why can't they just meet for the first time in their adult lives... sorry if that sounds nitpicking
but if they wanted to portray the omegas childhood and the way he grew up neglected then they should've just done that without having them already know eachother
These writers love to add bits like this mid story too, and it often has no bearing on anything other than a “that was you??” later on.