awwi February 5, 2021 11:00 pm

Sadistic Beauty was the first Series I've ever bought on L**hin. At first it was good but then the writing kept on getting worse, the chapters became shorter and shorter and it was constantly on hiatus. When the world's most miserable threesome happened I lost all interest in it but I kept on buying the chapters like an idiot because I couldn't bring myself to drop it (I stopped once it was discontinued on L**hin).
It's probably naive but I hope this side story is on the level of the early chapters. I used to like SB and it would be great to get at least something similar to the early chapters. The cover also makes me hopeful.

    Mery February 5, 2021 11:05 pm

    the author said in her series overview post for SB that gyerin's side will be lovey dovey fun and sexy. so the sex will prob be a mix of dirty and sweet but always conensual just like her scenes with doona in SB but now with the benefit that this blonde lady will be in love with gyerin and GIVE HER THE APPRECIATION SHE DESEEEEERVES.

    awwi February 5, 2021 11:09 pm
    the author said in her series overview post for SB that gyerin's side will be lovey dovey fun and sexy. so the sex will prob be a mix of dirty and sweet but always conensual just like her scenes with doona in S... Mery

    Good, thanks for the info. I really don't need more miserable sex scenes. Also I'm glad to hear that she's her girlfriend. Good for her.

    Mery February 5, 2021 11:19 pm
    Good, thanks for the info. I really don't need more miserable sex scenes. Also I'm glad to hear that she's her girlfriend. Good for her. awwi

    i think they will fall in love first. i dont think they are dating yet at the start but i havent looked at the raws yet cause im saving ma coins a bit more.

    awwi February 5, 2021 11:26 pm
    i think they will fall in love first. i dont think they are dating yet at the start but i havent looked at the raws yet cause im saving ma coins a bit more. Mery

    Ah, okay, thanks.

awwi February 5, 2021 6:00 pm

To be honest the main reason why I don't trust that guy is because it's the beginning of season 2 and they're already a happy couple. Either something bad is going to happen or they won't end up together. Things going well halfway through the story is never a good sign.

    IWantFood0_ February 5, 2021 10:04 pm

    I hope our MC ends up with Jin, he seems to genuinely like him without having magic directly involved

    awwi February 5, 2021 10:21 pm
    I hope our MC ends up with Jin, he seems to genuinely like him without having magic directly involved IWantFood0_

    I hope so too. He's also more developed as a character. The other one is mostly just there. He's part of MC's story but he doesn't have a storyline of his own (which could mean that he's hiding something).

    Haramea February 6, 2021 12:49 am
    I hope our MC ends up with Jin, he seems to genuinely like him without having magic directly involved IWantFood0_

    I know right :(

    Sara February 6, 2021 2:33 pm
    I know right :( Haramea

    This entire thread of comments is on crack

    Hatsune Miku2 February 6, 2021 6:16 pm
    I hope so too. He's also more developed as a character. The other one is mostly just there. He's part of MC's story but he doesn't have a storyline of his own (which could mean that he's hiding something). awwi

    —TW—Also don’t forget that at the beginning of the story he basically r@ped the MC

    Haramea February 6, 2021 6:35 pm
    —TW—Also don’t forget that at the beginning of the story he basically r@ped the MC Hatsune Miku2

    WHAT i did not remember that, wtf that changes everything, i want our mc alone now ._.""

    awwi February 6, 2021 7:00 pm
    —TW—Also don’t forget that at the beginning of the story he basically r@ped the MC Hatsune Miku2

    Yeah, looking at it now, that was just creepy. At first I thought it was weird but didn't care much because it was just another porn scene. But now that they're a couple and it's heavily implied that he has known about MC's feelings from the start it's just off-putting. He had the opportunity to have sex with the guy he claims to love but choose to rape/assault him instead.

    awwi February 6, 2021 7:00 pm
    Yeah, looking at it now, that was just creepy. At first I thought it was weird but didn't care much because it was just another porn scene. But now that they're a couple and it's heavily implied that he has kno... awwi


    awwi February 6, 2021 7:01 pm
    WHAT i did not remember that, wtf that changes everything, i want our mc alone now ._."" Haramea

    Chapter 11. He raped/assaulted him while he was asleep (started in chapter 9).

    Haramea February 7, 2021 6:09 pm
    Chapter 11. He raped/assaulted him while he was asleep (started in chapter 9). awwi

    Oh yes.^. now i remember, WEIRDO ALERT, he was always sus but with this in mind... NO who even does that?? ToT

    Poor mc..

    Kikkiki February 7, 2021 9:31 pm
    —TW—Also don’t forget that at the beginning of the story he basically r@ped the MC Hatsune Miku2

    It wasn't rape but sexual Assault

    Hatsune Miku2 February 15, 2021 6:35 am
    It wasn't rape but sexual Assault Kikkiki

    Oh ok. I’m sorry for getting it wrong.

awwi January 28, 2021 8:38 pm

I know people are a little bit annoyed that those chapters were already here but considering that this story isn't the most popular one, a few years from now, illegal sites might be the only place where you can even find the official translation. So every chapter is appreciated.

awwi January 11, 2021 6:11 pm

3 months without Melissa?! That's too long! How are we supposed to survive this?
And what is that ghost doing there? We saw ghost hands when Yuri had an argument about her fate with whoever that was. I hope that's not "fate" (the author's spirit maybe?) trying to scare Melissa into backing off.

awwi January 10, 2021 1:37 pm

I get that not everybody is into those rape scene but you knew what you signed up for when you started reading a story about a guy who is being raped by a demon. There have always been kinky rape scenes in this story. We had a demon who put a curse on him, a bandit who took advantage of him while he was out of it and now a slave trader. Those are all cliché situations you would usually see in kinky rape smut. Those are supposed to be fan service scenes because that's what some people are into. If it's not to your liking then that's okay but demanding this story to change its tune because you don't have that kind of kink is honestly starting to get a little bit insulting. This story isn't condoning rape. Their relationship is not built on rape. This is not a rape him until he loves you kind of story.
And yet, people still feel entitled to demand a different story because it doesn't cater to their preferences.
For example, I like Re:Zero. What I don't like about it is how almost every female character is either a loli, a teenage girl or a woman with ridiculously huge breasts. Or how the author constantly incorporates harem humor into it. Or how the fan service can sometimes ruin a scene. In the last episode there was an emotional scene which was interrupted by a vagina shot of another character. But do I constantly complain about those things? No, of course not. I knew that this was a series written for male otakus from the beginning. None of those things I mentioned came as a surprise and they have been present since the beginning. Just because it's not my kind of fan service doesn't mean that nobody likes it.
At a certain point you have to accept that while you like the story itself, it's not something that was written for people like you which also means there will be scenes that you find unnecessary or out of place.
I like kinky rape, but I don't like those rape-to-love stories. There are almost no stories out there which have kinky rape fanservice while also portraying a healthy relationship and having a serious plot.
If that's not what you like then either go and read something else or skip those scenes. But constantly telling us how morally rotten it is or how badly written and that it shouldn't be there isn't just annoying, it's insulting.
You have so many stories you can read, we have almost nothing. Let us have those few bread crumbs since you already have a whole damn bakery.

    ShiravyHades January 10, 2021 2:41 pm

    Man, this. So much.

    People please, want vanilla fluff there's plenty, let us enjoy the rare gems made for the more niche genres and kinks.

    It's demotivating for all the people that put the work to bring us these works, the authors, editors, translators, etc. It's more likely for it to be dropped than changed if you complain more often than not and even if it does end up changing, why ruin the fun for so many people that came for it instead of minding your own business? Don't like it? Don't read. Skip. Don't comment unless you got something positive to say.

    deltasierra January 10, 2021 5:36 pm


awwi January 7, 2021 9:15 pm

I'm currently at episode 23 and just in case anybody's wondering about possible relationships
Things aren't looking good for Gale. Hari finds him attractive and he finds Hari attractive but she's in love with Mr. Ahn and he's in love with her. She already confessed 4 years ago and so did he but their past is in their way. The chapter ended when he started to talk about it. No idea what happens afterwards but I sure hope we'll see next week because those cliffhangers are killing me.

awwi January 4, 2021 3:43 pm

I reread the webtoon yesterday and I have a theory about what might be going on here. (To he people who know how it ends, PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ME).
We know that Yuri knows about her "fate". At first I thought she might be reincarnated as well but she doesn't seem to be aware about living inside a novel-world at all. However, I think it's pretty clear that she has experienced those events more than once.
Melissa has also addressed how nobody ever gets suspicious whenever she suddenly knows things she shouldn't know about and how weird certain things are (like why Nine is so handsome despite not being an important character or how Yona suddenly pulled that artifact to weaken Migen).
Here's what I'm thinking:
The world they live in only exists as far as the novel goes. Their past lives exist because they all have background stories but once Yuri gets her "happy end" the entire thing starts all over again. Yuri can see her fate, Melissa can't. She only knows about it because she read the novel. Maybe being able to see your fate is connected to how much magic someone posses (and/or being part of the main cast). I also think that it's possible that those surprisingly handsome and useful side-characters were originally supposed to play a bigger role in the story but the author ultimately decided against it. Nine could've been the original werewolf love-interest for Yuri but then the author (or the editor) decided that he was too nice and wouldn't fit into the story.
Maybe Melissa was unconsciously summoned into this world by someone who posses a great amount of magic and is not happy with her position in the story (Yuri) to finally break the cycle.

awwi December 28, 2020 11:40 am

I'm a little bit confused now. Is this series still ongoing? I read a while ago that there haven't been any updates for a long time. And does the last sentence refer to the release of an official English translation or is it about the release in Japan?

    Boogiepop December 31, 2020 9:46 pm

    hi im the english translator. you can buy the entire series so far (2 volumes which is 23 chapters) from CDJapan (international shipping) or from Amazon JP. ive scanlated all of the free chapters that gindoro has posted on their pixiv which is up to chapter 20 out of 23. gindoro hasnt posted any more chapters since 2019.

    im stopping translation for now for personal reasons, and since there are no more free chapters left its a great opportunity for us to buy the raws to support gindoro. youll also find out what happens next. i got the ebook vers from amazon jp but cdjapan is better for non-Japanese speakers.

    if you read my notes at the end of ch 19 and ch 20 they will give you the full picture. links to cdjapan are in my notes for ch 20.

    awwi January 2, 2021 9:32 am
    hi im the english translator. you can buy the entire series so far (2 volumes which is 23 chapters) from CDJapan (international shipping) or from Amazon JP. ive scanlated all of the free chapters that gindoro h... Boogiepop

    okay, thanks.

awwi December 26, 2020 12:53 pm

I don't feel bad for Ian. He has done all those things out of selfish and spiteful reasons. Being one the most powerful people in the country and abusing that position to use other people as toys and to hurt your fiancée as much as possible is something despicable. He should feel bad about it. He also would've never changed had Melissa not stood up to him.
That being said I'm proud of him for trying to make things right. He's not even attempting to convince Melissa to not break off the engagement which does imply that he's intentions are sincere and that he's aware how horrible he was (I really hate it when an arrogant douchebag character only changes because otherwise his love-interest would run away. That's not actual change, it's just being selfish).
However, I don't see them having any kind of romantic relationship in the future. His past behaviour has caused too much damage for that. But I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up having a more friendly relationship with each other.

awwi December 19, 2020 1:36 pm

I'm fully aware that this is "just" a comedy and I might be giving it too much credit here but this is such a breath of fresh air. I didn't know how much I wanted a story with an MC like Melissa until I started reading it.
I've always been a little bit bothered that so many female MCs are these innocent, prefect little flowers or even when they're portrayed as strong they still have to be basically flawless (or it's the complete opposite and you end up with a female MC who is completely unlikable).
Melissa isn't perfect or innocent, she's just a great human being. I love how she stopped Nine from killing his brother not because she cared about this piece of shit and whether he dies or not but because she knew her friend couldn't handle the mental consequences of killing his own brother.
And having characters like this in a story also makes their relationships with each other come across as significantly more genuin than the usual "I love her because she's an innocent angel" reason.
And then there is also the fact that she's hot as hell. I mean, how often do we get a series with fanservice like this? A short look at the comment section should be enough to see that people are starving for this kind of content. We need more female characters actually worth thirsting for and not just the same boring teenage girl with a different hair style over and over again ;).

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