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( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 1:46 am

Sooo we have this assignment where we should come up with an appropriate striking responsible responses to sexual persuasion statements.

Like for example:
Persuasion: “Let’s do it, anyway, everybody is doing it.”
Striking Response: “I am sorry but I am not everybody.”

1. We love each other so that makes it all right.
2. If you love me, you will show me.
3. I’ll be careful, I know when to stop.
4. I can’t stop now, you’ve gotten me all excited!
5. We don’t have to go all the way.

I just need a little help. Im hitting a mind block right now since ive just written a 30 pages research paper, and all I can think for the supposed "striking responsible response" is NOPE

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:00 am

    These are my initial answers, pls let me know if my responses sound appropriate, striking and responsible OR if i need to change some
    1. Respecting me and my decision should make it all right.
    2. If you respect me, you will wait for me.
    3. Then you should know to stop this right now.
    4. (I really dont know how to respond to this, because imma just smash this bastard's d and walk out of his place tbh)
    5. (Idk how to respond to this too, like nuh-uh i'll just yeet my way out)

    Alicia June 19, 2021 2:04 am

    Responses that could use:
    1) it's not about love, I just don't feel comfortable doing this.
    2) if you love me you wouldn't force me
    3) it's my body, I decide when I start or stop
    4) the both of us need to be excited for this to be enjoyable, therefore it will only be enjoyable for u.
    5) I don't want do it at all

    This is really hard . Sorry if they sound aggressive, I was trying to put myself in a position where I was being asked the question so that's how it turned out. Hope it helps somehow.

    RJin June 19, 2021 2:09 am
    These are my initial answers, pls let me know if my responses sound appropriate, striking and responsible OR if i need to change some1. Respecting me and my decision should make it all right.2. If you respect m... ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    1-3 responses are perf

    4. take care of it urself. youll live
    5. u can go all the way to hell mf (jk) i said no. dont make me feel uncomfortable

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:14 am
    Responses that could use:1) it's not about love, I just don't feel comfortable doing this.2) if you love me you wouldn't force me3) it's my body, I decide when I start or stop4) the both of us need to be excite... Alicia

    No. It's really ok. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I find it difficult too. It would be a lot easier for me to write a whole paragraph explaining my response rather than make a 1 sentence clap back tbh. I just really find it difficult to express my thoughts in just 1 sentence lmao

    Jinx June 19, 2021 2:15 am

    An appropriate striking responsible response to "sexual coercion/persuasion" is a firmly said No. You do not need to make excuses or worry about making the other person comfortable. Your no means no. It means you don't want to do it & that's that. If they ask why or try to "convince" you simply tell "because I said no. Or because I don't want to." If they try again tell them they are making you uncomfortable. You shouldn't have to come up with "responsible responses" which basically is the prompt saying you need to placate the other person even after rejecting their advances. A "responsible response" would be to set your boundaries & stick firmly to them. If you don't want to, if you're not feeling it, if you're not ready then don't you dare let someone try to "persuade" you otherwise. You said no & that's that.

    June 19, 2021 2:16 am

    5. We don't have to go all the way to this relationship either. Goodbye

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:19 am
    1-3 responses are perf4. take care of it urself. youll live5. u can go all the way to hell mf (jk) i said no. dont make me feel uncomfortable RJin

    Agreed! Her answers are very well delivered, and thanks for the additional suggestions

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:23 am
    An appropriate striking responsible response to "sexual coercion/persuasion" is a firmly said No. You do not need to make excuses or worry about making the other person comfortable. Your no means no. It means y... Jinx

    Yeahhh STOP, NO, and I DONT WANT THIS should be enough. This is the reason why I was having a bit of a hard time, but it's literally our assignment to come up with witty clap backs for the said persuasions

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:24 am
    5. We don't have to go all the way to this relationship either. Goodbye

    AHH YESS I was thinking along those lines too. Thank you very much!!

    hate June 19, 2021 2:32 am
    These are my initial answers, pls let me know if my responses sound appropriate, striking and responsible OR if i need to change some1. Respecting me and my decision should make it all right.2. If you respect m... ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    4. Your erection is not my responsibility. Your body your problem. My apology if there were actions of mine you misinterpreted as inviting, but it was genuinely never my intention to get you excited.
    5. We don’t have to start anything at all. I’m simply not comfortable doing it.

    idk or just smack his head and leave?

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:35 am
    4. Your erection is not my responsibility. Your body your problem. My apology if there were actions of mine you misinterpreted as inviting, but it was genuinely never my intention to get you excited. 5. We don�... hate

    Last option is the best!! Like bruh these kind of mfs cant even understand a simple "no", how much more a witty response lmao THANK YOU BTW!!

    ( ꈍᴗꈍ) June 19, 2021 2:46 am


( ꈍᴗꈍ) January 21, 2021 11:57 am

recommend me mangas that made you cry to avoid getting restricted lol

anyway, where and how do you download anime? is it possible to download the whole season in one go? also, im surprising my anime-addict cousin so please recommend me some good shounen animes as well please (=・ω・=)

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