I'm not on the newest chapter so avoiding the spoiler comments but... I think it's kind of sad so far. Mincheol clearly really loved our FL at some point, and it seems like he wants her to show that she loves him. He wanted a family with her, too, and she can't have kids or whatever. Realistically speaking, I do kind of feel bad for Mincheol. Granted he shouldn't have been cheating in the first place. If you're unhappy, literally communicate with your partner about what you want. Their failed relationship is actually both of their faults.
The worst person in this whole story is the ML, and I genuinely feel so bad for our FL. He stalks her, and it's scary as shit. People like this exist, and between Mincheol who just wanted our FL to show she still loved him, this guy stalks her, finds ways to get closer to her, and beats up anyone that gets too close to her because he wants her to himself. He's a real psycho like no thank you.
I think the characters and their thoughts are very well written, though I don't think some things are handled well. Like how old is ML to still be in school?? 22 doesn't even make sense, either, like some people are saying down below.
Edit: I'm gonna have to clarify since it seems like some people are misinterpreting what I said. Their relationship seemed to have started off fine, so I'm gonna take it as that. I've never justified Minvheol's actions, and I never said he was a good person, and no I don't fucking like him at all. He's a piece of shit, don't cheat period, is what I said.
No should cheat. But we also shouldn't be like the FL and not show any affection, either. Like you know you're not even showing your partner enough love, and you don't know how to express it then just tell them. No communication is the reason why relationships fail.
And no, people who sexually assault someone should burn. I'm literally a CSA victim, so why would I justify rape? When have I justified it? When did I say I did? Y'all need to READ.
All I said was that Mincheol loved our MC at some point, and I'm sorry, but he is literally portrayed realistic with human thoughts and feelings but the ML is literally worse. If this happened IRL, and the ML was stalking you and even threatened to murder someone, I guarantee you'd be disgusted. Shame on anyone who thinks either of these men are healthy and green flags. FL needs a real man who doesn't do what either of these men do (which I've already stated, but y'all won't read that, either).
Calling me a disgusting person for looking over a fictional piece and comparing the portrayal of her marriage to a real one is actually more mentally undeveloped than I am. Grow up, and come at me with logic.
With all this being said, I really enjoy the story so far and I'm gonna continue to read more.