I.... think I have a gist of what happened....?
But I can't seem to understand what they were talkinf about / what akane said to them....?

They actually did it?!
And it actually worked?!

AXCEL created a topic of Profundis

Oh. How I curse you. Even death cannot save you.

So... it looks like the manwha choose not to elaborate on "how he got there" as opposed to other shounen saga (or give long arcs about the training period and stuff)

Kinda makes me happy 'cause it means the story won't be as drawned out.

But also slightly sad 'cause the details can be a bit confusing
- like where are all these weapons coming from?

The story's still good tho

Sprinkled with my own interpretation

- Elle's backstory
- Lou's partial(?) backstory
- Gabriel (aka Michael) was a traitor and instrumental to the sealing of Elle and Lou
- world leaders built the tower as a way to gain power over all creation, but ultimately failed (largely due to Chronos and Gabriel's greed....?)
- clues to MC's lineage
- apparently, Chronos and Gaia regretted what happened (since Gaia tried to revert everything) and are using/relying on/helping MC to right their wrongs

New questions given to us:
- Why did Gabriel turned traitor (is there something more besides the absence of God)? What was his end goal?
- Chronos, and Gabriel's goals and reasons prior and after their failure. Why did they do that and what are they trying to do now?
- Who was that Chronos MC spoke with?
- HOW exactly does MC come into all these plans?

Also, what happened to those questions MC had but others couldn't answer due to him not reaching 50th flr?

Also..... he looks ugly in that armor. It looks like a body suit. Hope he at least cuts his hair or wear an overcoat over it or something

Oh PLEASE don't make Rosie a Villainess in truth (or if she needs to have that arc/phase, make it short)

AXCEL created a topic of Guilty Affection

Oh. Is it a case of "the good intentions are there, but the method is wrong"?

Also, does it mean he's the reason MC never fully corrupted despite not having a guide for many years?

AXCEL created a topic of Tomodachi Game

Maybe because I didn't read all of it and just took a peak every few chapters and so... (or maybe I'm just unfeeling/unsympathetic)

The... revelation about the third victim felt somewhat anti-climax for meeee WHYYYYYYY
- I can't feel sympathy for Yukari either..... (WHY)
- why do I have a hunch there's more to it~ (since it's only one side of the story so far, nothing definite from yuichi himself)

Also, Shibe's father is fucking gross.

AXCEL created a topic of Aoi haru,akaiito

So, did they join a new troupe?

- so, he liked to perform, but he didn't like the pressure of having to become the head of the troupe? -> that's why he felt s desolate before meeting Yuuki
- i guess, he didn't really mind the "always travelling" part?


Oh. His memory's back isn't it?

Also, I wonder who made the confinement room and who is it for?
Given its feminine design, it looks like it was made for MC...... But since she knows how to unlock it, it doesn't have much use as a prison for her

Nyahahaha, i ♡ their dynamics ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

AXCEL created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

Okay, now I'm really invested in this 'cause I REALLY wanna know the ML's siiiiiidddeeee

All those tubes and stuff on him can mean there's more to this that meets the eeeeyyyyeee

I sure hope the author reveals it. And soon. Especially since we're starting to hear (read?) snippets of his internal thoughts

I know manwha adaptations tend to skip details and such.....

But I think it's the first time I read a super abridged version of the novel

AXCEL created a topic of Bad Friend

He developed a fetish (? Is that what u call it) after that incident with that snake didn't he?

Oh. God. Oh. No. He's too adorable.
I feel myself falling in love with Gojo in chapter 102.

It's been a while since this happened.

No. Maythan. Let them meet.

Bring unwanted chaos to Jina's life.

Make her have a deeper connection to other characters to make her more empathetic to that world

I know it's because Asai doesn't ACTUALLY know the whole picture (like the extent of Ryousuke's depravity and perversity and the root of Suzuharu's strange obsession with being a butler)........

But the whole chapter just.... doesn't FEEL right.
'Cause it's kinda gaslighting Suzu as the one being in the wrong when..... it's not. They're BOTH victims of the system.

If they wanted to showcase Ryou's hidden act of love or make Suzu act on his love..... this wasn't how I imagined it to go