Why do these shits always never ask the actual person they're doing the shitty deed for and always go straight for the person being cared for?
Sounds to me like he's trying to take over caring for MC out of curiosity, spite, and to make ML have more time to do *his* work instead
If he's really a friend, maybe he'll notice ML slowly becoming more relaxed 'coz he finally gets to do the play/s he needs.
Ah well. We almost always need someone to hate in fiction. And this is our guy (for now? Maybe he gets better?)
So uhm, in chapter 23, I didn't really fully understand the implications/emotions being shown in the panels w/the broken mirrors.
So, how'd you take it? In your opinion, what was being shown/represented by the broken mirror and change in expressions?
Oh man...... I didn't think there will be risk of her request biting her in her ass.....
Please please don't make it a tool to manipulate her against luke......
That feels like a low blow
I just realized, the chapter 20 that was uploaded last July 3 was actually chapter 21!!!!!
We don't have chapter 20 atm!!!!
I like this progression~
Wonder if the prince is gonna be a villain/tyrant or the uber good and wise king who'll bring in the golden age~
It's not shounen ai!!!
Huehuehue last chapter's (and/or extras) gonna be spicy~
Ooohhhh ~ I love it when characters go "fuck it, imma gonna say straight the feelings I have for you"
..... just a liiiitttle bit more..... just waiting for the explicit mutual acknowledgement of "okay, whatever happens, we're gonna stick together till forever. Even if what we're feeling ain't that ideal/one true love" ('coz u know, people aren't always 100% sure, esp. beginners w/wonky pasts)
*disclaimer: THIS SHOUNEN MANWHA ISN'T BAD. it's pretty good actually
Oh damn. My interest is waning AGAIN..... (like what happened w/ other weekly shounen)
Am i growing out of these types of stories......?
At this point, what's stopping Vercike from explain the prophecy version that he knows? (Like what's his basis on y Aman version is wrong?)
Hope he talks about it soon~
Ch. 22 last panel
- totally did not expect that development! I luv it when authors do this~ so deceptive~
*disclaimer: THIS SHOUNEN MANWHA ISN'T BAD. it's pretty good actually
Oh damn. My interest is waning AGAIN..... (like what happened w/ other weekly shounen)
Am i growing out of these types of stories......?
WAIT. That image in a s u r a s c a n credit.....
He'll look like THAT at one point?!
Ooooh I hope that's soon~
AHAHAHA! It's such an unromantic mood (compared to most BL i read) and I love it!!!!
Thank you for the update!!! I'm looking forward to the next chapter
I do hope that over generalizing and assumptious band member doesn't go unaddressed :S
(Like that one web novel I read....... he was a factor in the breakup of 2 lovebirds)
It's surprisingly refreshing to have someone explicitly state that extreme obsession towards a goal tend to come with a heavy price so it's crucial you learn to deliberately slow down your pace and re-associate with the actual world around you.
Also, it's been a while since I've read a shounen with a few chapters dedicated to the MC learning to just relax and stop aiming for the goal (it's always push push push, even break time must be used for improvement rather than just.... a break)
Oh THANK GAWD it didn't take her long to figure it out!!!!!
Sorry for my mean and hasty judgement of you FL!!!
That.... sounds awfully like gaslighting urself into liking overworking 0_0 / work pushed unto u
What about disguising one of her maids?
Dress her in royal regalia, cover her head with a hood and her face with a veil, & surround her with a battalion that would normally escort the princess?
Is it just me?
Why does it feel like a few panels have been chopped off in between chapters starting with chapter 104?
Like some scene transitions doesn't make sense :S