AXCEL created a topic of The Hero Returns

Just don't throw a big ass tantrum if you end up losing

AXCEL created a topic of Kocchi Muite Glare

Too bad the raws are only 'till chapter 10.... we don't know yet if the asshole will only get a slap on the wrist or not
But I betcha he'll only get a warning and will then be ignored for the rest of the lovey dovey couple's life. 'Coz ya know he had "good" intentions executed terribly
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Welp, thanks asshole for being our main couple's cupid (no, like really. I see ur worth douchebag). Now, they can be more honest with each other and progress w/their relationship

IF Cedric isn't the endgame, PLEASE give him some flaw as well that can make him as toxic as the rest.

It'll be annoying if what ends up as the only non-red flag love interest ends up being side-lined or friendzoned.

At least, if he's a red flag as well, it'll be easier to digest if he ends up not being the ML, esp if their resulting chemistry is around the same level as the rest

AXCEL created a topic of Work Love Balance

Yiyoung..... you better not go.... especially right after having a fight due to the guy....

Or if you do, better call Kang first or go with him instead.

AXCEL created a topic of Goblin Slayer

"Goblin Invasion"
"Killed so many of my servants"

Does that mean there WAS a reason why goblin activities where escalating 0_0

Also, that team of girls in the end of chapter 93.... they were the hero party rite?

I think this is the first time I saw Goblin Slayer so..... angry? Distraught? (As an adventurer) That he wanna take it out on the goblins to..... let go of the negative emotions piling up in him due to what happended.

Huh? What? What is happening during the latter part? I feel like Toifa, I couldn't keep up

AXCEL created a topic of Cupid in the Rainbow Trap

I'm so happy they gave her at least one normal(ish) friend, Ms Lucquit!!!!

And.... I'm staring to hope Sir Ali (the janitor) is the one....... 'coz the rest are so.........

- maybe he's the kid in the painting? And the one she read the book with?
- at least he isn't fixated in "obtaining" her
- so.... he really was just trying to give her some space and solace by letting her spend time in his office(?)

Now, if only the douchebag blondie isn't an actual villain.....

Her deal with him turned out to be useless right? Like, she wasn't able to make use of what he told her and now she's indebt to him for no reasooooon

*sry, its been bugging for a while and I needed to vent it our

AXCEL created a topic of The Witch and the Mercenary

I feel like he wanted to die. He was alone and at his wits end in the strange land filled with magicians and monsters that went against eveything he knew.... compounded with seeing Zig thriving along a witch...... he just snapped
( TДT)

Just when Zig was starting to settle iiiiinnn

AXCEL created a topic of Isekai Yakkyoku

Thank goodness I let this stew a bit.
Gosh, Palle was just *infuriating*. Thank goodness he kinda changed gears fast enough....

Thnx to the spoilers too! I was able to bear through reading Palle's arrogant dialogues (probs not the right adjective, but I don't care)

AXCEL created a topic of Double Complex

I..... Miki had point and she did care...... but her underlying intentions are kinda baaaddd :(((
Too bad her goals weren't out of love but due to some sort of superiority complex over MC

.... I kinda hope they MC & ML don't get together immediately too. Like, MC gotta get back on his own feet first before entering an official relationship or else he might get dependent again

Doea this mean the mangaka is open to extending tje story?!

I sure hope so. Even if it's short.

AXCEL created a topic of Carrier Falcon Princess

I'm happy there's progress wrt their love life....

But I do hope she stops disregarding her worth as a fucking royal soon, 'coz it's getting kinda detrimental. She's becoming blind to the signs that something's up internally and that her existence has become the key point of their army's morale, and by extension, their survival.

I pray that the next similar event will be the last time she'll end up risking the army's safety due to her belief that she's useless as a royal.

(I'm not blaming her. I know her mindset is a result of years of being looked down upon and is incredibly hard to let go of. I just hope it won't be dragged out)

I.... rather than blindingly handsome.....
Aaron looked like an obsessed creep on that one panel from MC's viewpoint (when he promised he'll make her fall for him)

*this is not, any shape or form, disparaging the story, characters OR art style Just wanted to share MY impression

BTW, I still think the MC's pretty tho? But she does feel a bit.... smaller? More dainty...? Not that I mind to be honest. Doesn't really take away much from the reading experience

He's gonna take them far away isn't he?
Somewhere safe where they can start over and be free from the overly corrupted kingdom.

Don't hate me. My preference is exclusively for fiction.

'Sides, I don't know enough about the wolf guy. And at least Carsen came forward and didn't sound like he'll continue pushing MC to help him out regardless of his will (unlike the prince who won't take no for an answer)

Also, my hunch is there's a fourth hidden person messing shit up, 'coz of the letter (I don't think Carsen'll benefit in worsening MC and Rose's relationship)..... I hope this same person is the culprit of the drunken night incident.

AXCEL created a topic of Skip to Loafer

I wonder if it'll be "she fell first, but he fell harder" thing :))))))