Wait. Beelzebub already rewound their time???? When????

Also, what???? She can't be a hero anymore for having FEELINGS for another? What the frick????

Or is there some genuine rule or reason on why shy *must* never treat someone as special???

Because if the curse like thingy going around the going bonkers otherworlders????

AXCEL created a topic of Run Away, From Me

I'd love to witness her and Fabian's relationship grow....

But after knowing the spoilers, I don't I can witness the story reach the point of the prologue......

Wait. If there's some sort of hierarchy or culture she should be wary off...... wherein it's best to hide her mark.....

Why not outright tell her or warn her more directly???? So she can better prep herself????

It's like he knowingly fed her to the wolves and wiped his hands clean over the entire matter

If she end up being taken advantage over or bullied due not knowing that shit...... I hope that friggin spineless fake good teacher gets punished

Yes. So you want to protect it

But you can't give a concrete business reason as to WHY and HOW

That's why the father is against the idea.
Not because he's personally against you or coz u appear lacking

Hope they come with tangible non-sentimental reasons nxt chapters (or given the chance to)

As a 2nd ML candidate, I didn't expect him to be crazy blind fanatic for the "good"

..... this guy's deluded when it comes to mutants....
He probably don't know the full story behind them and have absolutely no interest in knowing....

Such a shame.

You are now no longer a good 2nd ML Candidate.

Just an entitled asshole.

Hope u get good chara dev or a good enough sob story to redeem urself

AXCEL created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

As a manga-only.......... I guess it's safe to assume we're only gonna get an update here after the anime finishes airing

I miss Yoshino & Kirishima

I wonder what the dad reaction will be if he found out his son is actually a dominant Omega not a beta

AXCEL created a topic of Profundis

I feel some morbid satisfaction at seeing the two of them blush and fall for yugeon, knowing he'll never fully reciprocate

(If I understood the spoiler right)

Haha! He just called him stupid/ignorant in noble terms :))))

So.... her privacy isn't completely safe yet.........

URGH. PLEASE DON’T make this that kinda manga.


Aww.... I kinda wanted to see him go treasure hunting or fulfill some quest by himself or with a strange grief member at least once..... and display his strange mastery over relics

(No, i don't know if he really has.
I was just hoping that was a reason why he could be classified as that high level instead of being due to pure plot armor)

AXCEL created a topic of Yoake no Polaris


AXCEL created a topic of Chirijiri Yuku no

Rio & Shio:
I love how they can be the most silliest idiotic beings (that makes me wanna smack 'em in the head), but also end up as one of the most wholesome, complex and comforting characters I have ever had the honor to read about <3

For the first time! I've witnessed a josei manwha get slowly braver and bolder in the mature scenes :)))))

I didn't expect this to turn into smut <3 and I like it ehehehe


AXCEL created a topic of Hosik's story

And then I kinda thought.... sungyeon's current mother reminds me of his wife in their first lives....

Almost like, she was given a chance to atone for having seprated the two lovers *sniffles*

AXCEL created a topic of Profundis

OMG! I am SO relieved they're not alone in this fight!

There's hope yet!

Oh how I pray many of them survives

AXCEL created a topic of Shutline

Ah no!!! I'm happy but too scared to read!!!!

Is it just me or the transition in between chapters and scenes are starting to get wonky starting at chapter 57?????


That WAS NOT her train of thought.
This portryal *changed* a crucial part of her wonderful personality that distinguishes her and helps defines WHY she chose to accept death more fully

This makes her sound like a damsel FL blinded by love when IT'S NOT JUST THAT

They simplified in a way that took away a REALLY GOOD PART OF HER CHARACTER

AXCEL created a topic of The Hero Returns

Just don't throw a big ass tantrum if you end up losing