AXCEL created a topic of Our Sunny Days

You know, I have a feeling that with them as her parents, together with the grandma's and grandpa's of the village, she's gonna turn out to be a good well-rounded kid <3

AXCEL created a topic of Approximal Guide

Like WHY

Why would their association do that?
What's in it for them?
Why the frick will they target a pair who has absolutely great potential????

Taking BOTH of them down will not do their society any good, so why use them like disposable pawns?

It's not like they can be replaced w/a snap!

They..... really just pop her in there whenever they need to push along character skill development don't they? :))))))

Her past really reminds me of code geass.....

One of the best anime I can never bring myself to watch again

this is SO friggin frustrating!!!!

For several chapters, etienne has been FINALLY defying the bitch and has been working steadily to undo her poisonous upbringing of him.....

Only to have it most of it undone by a SINGLE incident

We saw him from the previous chapters finally having the courage to trust his aide and the doctor and form an alliance with others to bring down the empress....

Only to seemingly forget the implications and depth of the new team he has forged.... causing him to choose NOT to divulge what the empress did to him.... throwing their newfound camaraderie to the wind (yes, I know, not entirely) and hindering the progress of their plans
(I mean, C'MON, if u wanna lessen d effects of that fucking poison to be able to do what u have to do, the best way is to tell the ONLY doctor sympathetic to you and has been helping u ALL ALONG)

yes, i know this is because of trauma and a conditioned response due to years of being raised poisonously..... and I probs shouldn't angry at him of for it....

But it doesn't make the situation any less frustrating

AXCEL created a topic of ENNEAD

That line.... "I've never met a god that preceeded me"

If he were greek, wouldn't that make him a titan?!

What about from other mythologies?!

*if i remember right, the fan concensus was that he was greek right??? But y (sry I forgot) ?

AXCEL created a topic of Chirijiri Yuku no

I was expecting it to end at when they're finally able to do the deed

Also, for some reason, I forgot this was japanese :)))

Do you think it's possible for there to be love triangle where the person sought after chooses someone outside that triangle in the end without it becoming out of nowhere, rushed, senseless, etc?

It would seem this version chose to sacrifice Killian and Edith's characterizations in the novel in order to address some plot holes / story points that some novel readers didn't like...

And honestly.... I don't know how to feel about it

I'm just reading this now for the sake of reading it since we’re so close to the end

Aww, I was hoping this was going to a rare direction where the CP broke off their engagement and took the fall so that Chris will be freed from becoming an empress and become the knight she always dreamt to be
(AND took a chance since he also found the love of his life who is willing to be an empress for him. So it'll be a win-win situation thingy)

Too bad he's the stereotypical wimpy type who's naive, blind to consequences and can't understand what went wrong

Definitely not emperor material

AXCEL created a topic of Sousou no Frieren

that exposition kinda clarified why the movements of the shadow warrioirs were sketchy as fuck

Like, really, the reason for trying to kill Serie at this point in time isn't solid and for me, is kinda useless? 'Coz it's not like the association is posing any solid threat to the empire at the moment, and in any foreseeable future (if I remember right)

Killing her is kinda like the ideal of a supremacist and a paranoid individual <- a probable action by a twisted extreme patriot <- a commander of shadow warriors

Also, it's a god damn shame gorilla became a part of this mess......

Sure hope they can reconcile and he doesn't have to be put down or anything

Wait.... so this is sensei's first official manga?
Is that why it's a bit all over the place

With regard to their rebirth, is my understanding correct that it was something of whimsical curse/blessing of Fate, after being called by Eishin's deep despair?

And the thing that lifted it are 2 things:
1. Eishin was finally able to have the courage to not kill Houri, overcoming the deep fear and anxiety of what if they never meet again.
Which also have an implication of accepting that they have to accept the risk of focusing on their one (present) life, regardless if they live or die thru the ordeals of fate

2. Surviving Fate's attempts to kill Houri until they reach the age of 21 -> that also means they kinda got lucky since it happened soon

If you think about it, the whole country at the time of betrayal was complicit to the genocide of her clan because they supported the 1st emperor's witch hunt (if I remember correctly)

If I was blinded by rage because of that magnitude of betrayal and harm, I would've wanted to take revenge on the whole country too, especially if the blood of my brethren were used to support the foundation of a country

And that's what makes this story unique and interesting for me. It's not wholly about who's right or wrong anymore, but of survival.

If you ask me, if the unconfirmed story of how their God manipulated the 1st Emperor to betray Anita was true, then THEY are the true villain here and not Anita.


Wait, it's been a while and my brain's fried from acads and staying up late

I thought Leo was the Duke's niece? Like his sister's daughter

Turns out she's not?? 'Coz she's actually the old guy's (Marquis?) granddaughter???

So.... Leo's like from a vassal / branch family???
Was her mom a cousin or something??? (So their family power isn't strictly for direct relatives?)

AXCEL created a topic of Bones

Did they ever remade chapters 1-3 to better fit the official series?

The incongruities between the initial storyline and the new one is taking me out of the story



He's at a cross road once again and his decision will be crucial to where he'll go from now and what kind of "hero" he'll be.

Wonder what his foil (black haired female captn with personality problems) would do if she were in this situation XD

AXCEL created a topic of ENNEAD

Oohh PLEASE sekhemet, don't twist ANYTHING!

..... can she? Give half truths to sow chaos.....

Oh how I she won't

Oh how I hope Iris would stop denying Osiris' blasphemous actions and realize HE is the one to be ultimately punished as the cause of all this mayhem