AXCEL created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

Oh. He didn't look different from his book character

AXCEL created a topic of Profundis

At first after reading the spoilers, I kinda pitied what happend to Heeso (?) and Chan after the war.
But now..... after that.... they deserved it. Especially Heeso.

AXCEL created a topic of A Stepmother's Märchen

Hi~ is the magus translation as good as the official?

Since the dialogue in this manwha is heavily nuanced, I'm just wondering w/c is more accurate

Not a spoiler! I have NO BASIS for these. Just hunches

- at first, the hero's expressions gave me the heeby-jibbies (like what if he turns on Ed for stealing the spotlight?!) -> But there's a huge chance I'm wrong!!

- ...... what if Ed is trapped in a cycle? And that "God" isn't god at all, but Ed from the far faar future who trapped himself in a cycle to achieve a particular goal?

Heh. Betcha they gotta go to that dark room in the upper floors w/c will warp them to the moon or something

AXCEL created a topic of Estio

Honestly, I don't really mind annoying characters like Birang
(I hate her as a person, not as a story character. Her presence has its merits)
As long as there's significance to her presence in the story.
Moreover, it seems the author is trying to give her give chara dev. Whether it would be sufficient to salvage her or not remains to be seen~

AXCEL created a topic of The Witch and the Mercenary

This... is not the direction I expected it to go, but I really like it!

I hope Zig warms up to the idea of becoming an adventurer soon & becoming a fixed party w/the witch

Part of me is SUPER excited for what's come.
(Gojo chara dev + potential progress in their love story )

Part of me just wants the arc to end because of the SUSPENSE of the public's reaction

(Like, I can't get rid of the fear of perverts latching on to her, heck was that a GRAVURE magazine wanting to RECRUIT her?! Definitely not the direction I was expecting this manga to go )

At first, I really just pitied the ML...... but now, I'm kinda starting to get pissed at him......

I don't want the FL to fall in love with him, I want her to get the fuck away from the palace
See the world, widen her horizon or something

AXCEL created a topic of Ashtarte

They're rushing this aren't they?

I'm jealous.
I also want to eat in a dessert buffet. Why aren't they more common.....

And that's one GREAT prophecy
The other candidates fall a bit flat I'm afraid

AXCEL created a topic of Gossip

I'm starting to wish Jin and Sarah gets FAR away from the Auckland family

AXCEL created a topic of Raise wa Tanin ga Ii

Okay, so:
- if kirishima wanted, he could've lived a perfectly "normal life" and even go on to become an "elite" w/almost no contact/reliance with the yakuza
- BUT, that kind of life is fucking boring for him (w/c can lead to despondency), and the yakuza way is what he hoped can give him that "zest of life", especially after discovering Yoshino
- who then goes on to become his tether, and a reason to live for
- unfortunately, yoshino isn't quite at that level yet and is consciously regarding him at the same level as when she "sold" her kidneys: despite his confession, he'll throw her away the moment she becomes "boring"

Asami sou:
- as a merchant of death, someone hired him to get rid/mess with the grandfather?? -> just guessing

AXCEL created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I REALLY wanna know what goes on in the jerk's headl
We need ML POV!

Oh, well that's okay.
But where did that come from

AXCEL created a topic of I Stan the Prince

I'm glad I'm not the only one confused on what's happening

??? Why go there?
Why the lack of hesitation in involving dragons in illegal affairs?
Did he need the money fast?