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AXCEL created a topic of The Hero Returns

I really REALLY like his emotional maturity.

His self-awareness and tacit acceptance that he may never be able to reach Soohyun's level, but it doesn't stop him to try, regardless.
How he didn't let his envy consume him and wholeheartedly chose to stay by Soohyun's side to support him however he can
Which in turn, lead to him being able to develop and showcase a crucial talent that can serve as the key to not repeating the past: management. Be it human or other resources.

It's been repeatedly shown to us that the key to changing the future is having a united front among ALL hunters.
Soohyun CAN definitely be the leader. Spark in them the desire to be better, to work for the greater good.
But as the mightiest of them all, he cannot focus on managing or rallying everyone. Because he has to be at the forefront of the fight and focus on defeating the hardest foes and the biggest boss fight there ever will be.
That's where Jooho comes in.
He can make sure Soohyun isn't fighting all on his own like in the previous timeline.
He'll be the one making sure that everything is working behind the scenes and that the smaller fights are handled so that Soohyun can focus his energy on the bigger fights.

I absolutely LOVE this kinds of characterizations: non-uber powerful supporting characters can bear the same weight and importance to the story as the hero.

I know other action manwha's have this secretary trope that fulfills Jooho's role. But often, they aren't given deeper characterizations like with Jooho and are portrayed as this uptight smart dude wearing glasses with blind devotion to the leader and is often relegated to behind the scenes, rarely at forefront or focus.
But, for me, that's not really the case for Joohoo.
He's always ever present; Soohyun's partner in crime; making and developing plans with him instead of just following orders (in other stories, this role would have been buster sword kid's)