He's totally grooming him isn't he?

Hmm, it's because I don't think Hyun is mature enough /has sufficient understanding of crucial societal norms, similar to child.
I fear that he doesn't actually have a full understanding of his current situation (sponsored by a powerful mysterious guy who wants to sleep with him), its implications and consequences. And I see no effort from Luwan's side to teach him of those things.
For one, I don't recall him confirming w/Hyun, if he feels romantic interest, if he even knows what that actually is, in its full meaning, enough to want to commit to a physical relationship. He seemingly want to monopolize Hyun's affection and shower him with affection w/o actively giving him full explanation of the implications of such actions and just slowly manipulate Hyun to liking him
That's why I can't help but think of it as grooming, though I know Luwan didn't do it w/malicious intent and grooming may not have been his intention, but an unintended result

Thank you for explaining
I thought only children could be groomed so I was confused
I agree that Hyun is very naive and luwon is definitely using his power to get Hyun to like him but to my understanding, Hyun was aware of his feelings long before luwon rescued him from his uncle. Also luwon asked Hyun if he knew what they were doing was sex and Hyun nodded and didn't push him away
He does have a lot to learn though and I think a lot of his willingness comes from feeling like he owes luwon
So..... for those who have read far into this story, how similar is this to Ubel Blatt?
Is it only the premise? Or does it also copy some/most of its plot points (just in a Korean context and less sexualized)