I felt a somewhat strong aversion for a non-toxic ML....
And I don't know why.
Aaron just irks me and I feel ZERO attraction for him and enough dislike that it makes me wanna drop ths
Objectively speaking, HE AIN'T BAD AS AN ML.
I just really don't like him.
Sorry, I just wanna vent it out..... even tho I know I probs shouldn't.....
I also find Herman just plain disgusting. (And not just for betraying his family..... but for everything.)
*sigh* I'm only staying coz I really like the FL and her brother and feel somewhat sympathetic w/Anita......
Ya know... I find Rian's character development so much mor satisfying than the MC's
(So far)
Well the MC wasn't really allowed to be himself for a long time, because there was always something on the line if he made mistake, but now he can do what he wants, he can be free, have fun, study whatever he wants, its normal if he seems more childish now, he's never had friends that shared so much with him as his friends do now
I hope they clear things up and have their reputation take a serious hit for their transgression to Zig
Tho I get the feeling they won't let their mistake harm their clan and will let the rumor perpetuate.....
and will instead try to compensate him in some other way that will inevitability worsen his reputation and/or standing in the guild....
Kinda like that Jinsu bitch....
(Sry, I'm just in an irritable mood)