Hey guys~ I've been looking for a particular manga. Unfortunately, I forgot the title and only have a vague recollection of the story
I remember that it's about two people working together to restore a kingdom. The main heroine is a princess pocessed by a male guardian spirit (?) or something similar and is unfortunately unable to walk. She meets a gentle giant (not really a giant, but more like really big and muscular man, if that makes sense) who helps her in her quest and usually carries her around using one arm (she either sits on the arm or on his shoulder). Their enemies are usually spirits who posses other living beings (I think) and they have a special sword to help defeat the enemies (I think)
I think the genre was along the likes of supernatural/fantasy/adventure
Oh and they get together in the end (become lovers I mean) and of course, was able to restore the kingdom
I'M IN!!!!