Why dosnt she stand up for herself if she did that she would have esily exposed whatever he is for abuse (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

though I wonder how they found signs of abuse on her body even though she ran away before being adopted? was she abused by the adults in the orphanage too? or did the count already abuse her while she was still in the orphanage that one month he knew her before the carriage scene? If it's like that then she could have tried to expose him though normally that's quite impossible for a child because of the mental damage the abuse inflicted on her from being abused for years since she can remember. Maybe if she remembered the first seven years of her life and only if those didn't contain any abuse it would be a bit easier for her to expose him because her character was already formed before the abuse happened... Otherwise the abuse would have formed her character in a way it makes it impossible to stand up for herself. Though I do understand it is usually hard for 'strong' people to understand the 'weak'... ( ̄へ ̄)

I think so... at least i don't remember seeing it... and by her flashback I don't think she was mistreated at the orphanage... i also think the arsehole didn't abuse her yet since they weren't at home yet and she also said he was nice at the beginning... hence my believing that they meant the psychological abuse... which would also explain her not acting as a 17? yo would... like... being that childish and having that :o face all the time. Even the young prince seems more mature than her... all can be explained by the trauma of the abuse... (=・ω・=)
I sense some couple vibes