I can't understand why people are so upset about the raw. Don't you guys remember what happened in Season 1?
I'm not saying what Hwan did was right. But considering Hwan's personality and fetish of the author, the latest chapter is totally predictable and could even be worse.
I think this manga is mainly for fap material. Don't be too serious about the plot. At least Hwan is much better than monsters and pencil

I have read to the latest chapter (ch 25), a lot of drama happened and it seems this story will end soon. I think it's impossible for Rogi in this story to do such terrible thing in the other story.
In the short future, Rogi was hurt booth by enemy and nearly everyone from Akitora family. Finally Rogi thought he would only cause trouble, decided to give up and leave. Akitora cannot accept it, he even gave him a gun and ask him to die together(That's the beginning of ch 1). Of cause Rogi didn't shoot.
It seems they separated directly after that, but in the other story, Rogi still live with them until many years later. [edit:no, they didn't live together, it's my bad memory.]
Another difference between the two stories is that when come back to current time, Akitora is the one who still cannot gave up rather than Rogi. Rogi still loves Akitora, but he has already accepted their separation. The young guy at the beginning of the story is sent by Akitora to Rogi's side. When Akitora learned from his spy that Rogi still loves him, he immediately come to see Rogi. Akitora tried to pretend it's a coincidence, but he is too bad at lies
I don't think Rogi in this story need to any extreme thing to meet Akitora, all he need is a phone call or merely a text to say "I miss you/ I want to see you".
This story is spin-off, but sensei seems created a different Rogi. [Edit: At least that's my belief, I refuse to accept they are the same Rogi. After reading ch 25, you may have same thought with me ]

I read ch16 to 23 in Chinese from https://yandanshe.com/297/16/
For ch 24 & 25 I bought the raw from cmoa.jp and used papago to translate. https://www.cmoa.jp/title/119542/ If you need the link.

https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yondaime_ooyamato_tatsuyuki/ Actually I don't recommend you to read it before you finish reading ch25 of this sotry. Rogi in that one is terrible, you may become hate him. Now I consider them as two different person.

ch16 to 23 in Chinese https://yandanshe.com/297/16/
For ch 24 & 25 I bought the raw from cmoa.jp and used papago to translate. https://www.cmoa.jp/title/119542 if you need.

Thanks for the info. I bought the raws but couldn't understand them.
What do you mean by "in the other story, Rogi still live with them until many years later" though? In Yondaime, Rogi also left Akitora right after. Tatsuyuki didn't even recognize him, which means that the last time he saw him was when he was a baby.

I can image that. Akitora was desperately trying to stop Rogi from leaving him in ch 24. He definitely won't let Rogi go.
But I still don't think Rogi in this story is the same person. He suffered a lot in ch16-23 and grown up. When he looked back, he thought like "It wasn't until then that I realized that growing up requires pain. I forced myself to rip off someone who was part of me. The pain of letting go was hopeless.It's not like I'm going to die. It's a beautiful memory to the point where I can do it."
It is translated by software so may has mistakes, but I really cannot imagine this Rogi could do such a thing

Try Renta Japan
It's pretty easy to navigate if you use Google to auto translate the whole website.

I cannot understand why the author made a big fuss because someone "illegally translated" her work but keep neglecting the illegal websites in her own language.
It's also funny to see the author saying that “your country(Vietnam) is a country of thieves, not Korea" when there are a lot Japanese and Chinese manga has been illegally translated into Korean.
I do think this author is racist. Though it does not justify people reading her work at illegal website, but it is enough reason for me to stop supporting her in Lezhin. Just like her said, I won't die if I stop reading her manga.

Did you check her tweets?
She tweeted that she sued 4 illegal websites in Korea, not only Vietnam. She sued 4 times, in Korea, which took a lot of time and money. By a lot I mean A LOT.
She didn't say that line either, she only said that she wouldn't publish her work in a "country of thieves", which irritates people because it feels like she was implying that everyone in the country is thief. And I think that's a mistake of hers. But she definitely wasn't saying specifically which country. If you checked her tweets (which you did not do), you would see that she was replying to another person, without knowing their nationality. Anyhow, I still think this is a mistake of hers, "country of thieves" is definitely not a good way to go.
But I don't think she is racist though. She doesn't care about the readers' nationality, she only cares if they read legally.

It's true she didn't know their nationality when she reply to another person. But she definitely assumed their nationality to say “your country is a country of thieves, not Korea". Especially when she replied this line to the person who merely reminded her "it is unnecessary to generalize"
Any way, I can understand you guys try to find excuses and justify her "mistake". But I personally haven't been convinced and still feel upset and uncomfortable with her tweets.
I still feel sympathy about her situation but it is no longer the enough reason for me to continue spending my hard-earned money on her.
That's it.

link to the tweet cause i was looking through that shit and never saw that.
and "illegally translating"? that's exactly what they were doing.
either way she literally has no control over translations when lezhin doesn't have people who can do so in other languages yet, and they are looking for spanish/Portuguese translators.

Actually I would accept her excuses and keep supporting her if she only said the first half line. But saying "Your country is a country of thieves, not Korea" when she exactly knew there were lots of illegal websites and translation group in Korea is totally unacceptable to me.

Okay, so she is not racist, she just considered any country with even a single translation group as a country of thieves, but definitely "not Korea", no matter how many illegal websites and translation groups they had.
Emmm......are you sure this is not racist?
Another funny thing is that she keep attacking a Vietnamese girl who used to be member of another translation group, though she was already told the girl's group only translated Chinese manhwua into Vietnamese and had permission from Chinese authors.
However, when someone clearly explained some of Chinese webtoon writers did happy to let their work be privately translated and also had the copyright to give translation permission, guess what? She just suddenly disappeared without even saying a single word, not mention apologize to the poor girl who was attacked by her and her fans whole day today.
As to me, If she is not racist, she has equally terrible personality.

she literally said this after "It is true that I generalize all illegal activities. I think it's all dirty and ugly no matter what country they live in." and she's already begun lawsuits in korea so i'm pretty sure what she said in english did not carry the meaning she intended, and she confirmed that by what she said next.
do you speak korean fluently? bc if not, you don't know if it was mistranslated or if she didn't mean it in that way, and it was misinterpreted. and from what i've seen with other people, that's the case.
and with the translator who had permission-- you can't assume she saw that they were given permission before someone informed her, and you have no idea what she was/is doing. if that happened today or even a few days ago, give it time. jfc. she's clearly already extremely emotional and needs to take a break, and probably did, from social media, because so many people are running around and assuming bs for the sake of bored or to excuse illegal translations/readers.
we're all illegal readers here. so we ain't got no right to sit here and tell her how to handle things, or to straight up defend one bad thing because of another. it's a pathetic excuse,
ii'm not at all saying she did nothing wrong, but a lot was taken out of context and blown up into this huge thing as if she somehow has no right to be upset but ya'll can assume and be upset?

You are not her, how can you sure she didn't mean that? Especially "your country is a country of thieves, not Korea" it's a clear simple short line, not a long complicated one.
Stop finding excuses to justify her misbehaviors. She is under pressure doesn't mean she and her fans can cyberbully innocent people, OK?
It could be misunderstanding and under extremely emotional when she attack the legal Vietnamese translator, but she didn't feel sorry or apologize to the translator, AKA victim fron her own cyberbully. She just pretended nothing happened. It's totally unacceptable to me.
I'm here but I paid her manga at lezhin. I have no interest telling her how to behavior. I just want to express my disappointment and decided stop supporting her or reading her manga.
BTW, please support the author in lezhin if you do care her. It's much much useful than you arguing with people here

I feel bad for the FL. But her brother and his mother did nothing wrong.
Jimin is Joon's half-brother. His mother is not her mother. It is impossible to get custody of ex-husband's kid. It is also unfair to ask Jimin and his mother continue living with abusive father/husband just for Joon's sake.

Yea but like, they still left her lmao. I mean I’m pretty sure the FL logically knows this situation is because not their fault. But we don’t know the extent of what happened to just simply say “They did nothing wrong” because what if they are at some fault? (Could range from not wanting to engage with her because they feel too bad about it to doing shit to her in the past). Ngl I think it’s sort of the easy way out for the mother to be like “yea I’m not going to contact her because she hates me lmao” like she’s facing abuse- are you not gonna check up on her??? Something simple as that ???

Just let you know, Asian is different from Western countries. In most Asian countries, even law and police cannot/don't protect victims of domestic violence unless they got serious hurt or murdered.
Even after divorce, there is no way to stop ex-husband approaching his ex-wife and kid. The only method to escape from this kind of situation is moving to another city. I think that's why Jamin and his mother moved out from Seoul.
However, in chapter 9, when Joon saw Jamin, the first thing came to her mind is "damn it, so that's why they wanted to move here." The abusive husband is still chasing his ex-wife!
Jamin's mother just temporarily escape from the hell. Even if she had contacted Joon before, I am pretty sure there wouldn't be much difference.
Actually, in the real world, Jamin's mother could be much more dangerous than Joon. In my homeland country, there are a lot of news about divorced women got chased and killed by their ex-husbands. Even they had already moved to another city. That's why I feel so upset when I saw people try to blame Jamin's mother.
She is another victim of Joon's father. Please STOP requiring a perfect victim.

I am Korean girl-thanks for the education talk about my own country ahahah. I never said the step-mom and step-bro were not victims. I’m pointing out how it’s kinda weird to just say that they “did nothing wrong” because the story hasn’t even completed yet lmao. We can make assumptions yes, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to completely justify every character when you don’t even know the whole situation yet ya know? There’s more to the story and you can still be a victim and contribute negatively to a situation.

It may be wired to assume a victim "did nothing wrong", but it's definitely more wired to assume a victim is guilty without any evidence.
Besides, you can't blame the step-mother for leaving even if the father became worse after divorce. It's unfair to require her to sacrifice herself and her own kid for her step-daughter's sake.
Yes, the ML is suffering. But it's the abusive father's fault, not Jamin and his mother's.

I am so glad to hear some scan group has picked up this manga. I bought the book but I don't understand Japanese and sometimes Google translator doesn't work very well
To anyone who really can't wait like me, just let you know, cmoa.jp currently has special discount for new account. It will be 368円(3.4 usd) to buy the whole <anti alpha another> e-book with discount.
The book contains 5 chapters plus 2 side stories (one of them only has one page). 3 of the 5 chapters are about the second couple and the last two chapters are about the main couple. Currently there are 2 chapters has been translated into English, another 3 to go.

Here is the link. https://www.cmoa.jp/title/208285/
After reread this manga I just realized
Jung's father was brainwashed and manipulated by Inho's grandfather even after his death.
Instead of solving Jung and his father's mental problem, this so called professer just took advantage of them for his own sake. He was professional and psychologist of Jung's father. He was fully trusted and respected by him. The professor definitely knew what would happen to Jung after his "advice" but he still kept brainwashing Jung's father and made him believe that Jung need to be suppressed rather than understood and loved.
Just like Jung's mother thought, this professor deliberately provide wrong advices to make Jung's father look after his grandchildren. He must know the personality of Inho's auntie and what would happened after his death so he just ruined Jung's family and life for the sake of his grandchildren.
The professor was calculative but he should know that karma is a bitch. If Jung did get proper treatment at young age, he wouldn't manipulate other people to ruin Inho's hand.
Wow.... that's quite convincing. A little bit of conspiracy theory but it could have been the truth.
Good job!