the whole thing is a mess rn so i just wanna talk about mika and yuu. most of us would like to see them together but i dont think that's happening (or maybe it will never be mentioned) considering that this is not bl. however, they are indeed semi-cannon. when asked if their relationship is romantic, the author himself said that it depends on our own perspective (he freaking aww'd the question lmao same). the official arts (valentine's day), game (yuu wanted to open an orphanage and raise kids with mika), spin-off manga, everything hinted their relationship romantically. definitely not platonic or brotherly. if you are against this idea: kagami, the author, showed so much support for mikayuu (i literally lost count. check his twitter lol). most of the studio staffs chose mika as the best partner. why am i saying this all? because i aM LITERALLY CRYING WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH THE MANGA

once again, spoiler alert !!
later on (98/99th chapter) things will get so so good. good as in: there will be a third party and jealousy. and when i mention jealousy, it's taehwan who got jealous. it's not stated but hes angry bcs of 'something'. and i somehow want him to feel more anger (jealousy) bcs i want him to realise that hes slowly falling for yeonwoo. gah daym the second season is so fucking good.
the manhwa is already perfect. the side stories are immaculate too especially the latest one