This is worse than an amnesia arc. Please bring my family back together. I’m SICK
Why are people mad at Pado. He hasn’t done anything wrong yet. Yea I want him to be nicer to Haeil but from Paso’s perspective Haeil was the one who told him to fuck off and now he wants to be close again??
And I’m sure he’ll go about this in a normal way that won’t cause drama and make the mc almost die.
Why is everyone so stupid. They had a whole intro to show you who she’s going after. The maid.
Everyone ignoring the big problem: HWA like can we focus on things that matter.
The comments are killing me. “I’m still waiting for her to do something” are you reading with your eyes closed?
I’ll come back when season 2 is complete. Hopefully that’s the end of this story. Fuck his beother, I’m so glad he’s dead
I kept reading in hopes that it would subvert my expectations but nope. Everything I thought would happen, happened. The MC is so irritating and sabotages EVERYTHING, and the ML is so pathetically in love with him that he forgives him even though their relationship isn’t healthy for either of them, I wish he broke up with him for real so he learned his lesson, that would have been a better ending.
Each new chapter is MC being attacked by a creep. This one pissed me off the most because he just believes some random that he doesn’t know over someone who has been with him time and time again and helped him out so much. Even if that guy didn’t turn out to be a weirdo rapist him treating shirayuki like that is terrible.
Bro went through that whole flashback… and he’s confused?? ELLEMAYEOH.
I’m just glad he’s finally said he was into him cause I was like why is bro so intense.
Guys, if you call someone and they don’t pick up you will be worried. That’s not toxic. My parents have done it before cause I have my phone on silent, especially if it’s late at night, like what if they died or something Ionno, there’s other things than him calling over and over that could be toxic but this isn’t
I hope they find out about the curse soon. It’s making me anxious. I’m so worried myungha will get in trouble cause of it
Her brother is so irritating a stupid. Like I truly do not understand why he refuses to respect her boundaries. And for all the stupid people who say “he thinks it’s what best for” that’s not a good enough reason. Raymond could nearly rape her and her brother will stand by and not care cause he thinks she likes him, that’s how terrible his actions are. He keeps putting her in situations with someone she has stated she is UNCOMFORTABLE with!! Because they’re “friends” fuck him to hell.