So refreshing, love the fact that the ml is such a simple minded guy
He thinks what he wants to think, does what he wants to do, and when he finds out about new things, he just accepts it right away.
Like oh, I can wake up if i hug this guy, Im gonna sleep with him from now on so he can wake me up!
Oh I got jealous, that must mean I really like you!
Just like that, zero hesitations, what a textbook definition of a airhead and a golden retriever.
He's a bit sly sometimes tho, and mc is so WEAK when it comes to him.
The art is super cute and I like reading about them getting closer even more, from hugging each other to sleep, to kissing him awake.
Even him making him sleep on his lap during lunch time.
They're so silly and cute, I like it
Although, that recent chapter tho LMFAO why are they making so much noise, its impossible for the people not to hear, the whole time I was reading I kept saying, are yall even trying not to get noticed? Loll
But hey, the progress took a BIG leap, what's gonna happen now, they should really just get together atp after ALL that
Everyone practically knows, yall already stick that close to each other I bet they wont even be surprised

Ok so
I dont even know where to start there are a lot of things wrong with this but uh it settled okay so ig??
First off, when u think abt it, the sculptor guy is just a straight up pervert lmaoo but ig at first he was okay and actually wanted to sculpt him as his model but dang
Nothing could have prepared me for the ml absolutely wrecking him right then and there.
In that scene i was like
Woah woah arent u just drawing him what're you doing, but then the guy reacted and did.. that..
Well theyre both compatible so go off ig???
Anyways I felt REALLY bad when he waited outside for him, with his fancy clothes and bouquet for HOURS but the sculptor guy fell asleep
He was so sweaty and looked so pitiful help
And the fact that AFTER THAT, IT WASNT EVEN MENTIONED, kinda sad that his outfit or the flowers wasnt that acknowledged, like the scene just continued, like
At least give us an interaction of him taking the rose/s and saying thank you idk i was expecting that
If it were up to me, in that panel where he was holding that one rose, id make the sculptor guy take it and giggle idk and feel touched coz i would be too

I regret not immediately commenting my thoughts on this after reading this.
I read this 3 days ago and I gotta say it was a good experience from what I remember, the writing was really good, I feel like I could somehow relate or more like understand the characters and their motives.
It was kinda satisfying to see the situation go full circle
From them during highschool
Matsuda hating on Kamiko
Kamiko being curious about Matsuda
And Matsuda's crush in the middle of it all
When they all got reunited in the last chapters it was surreal lol
Kamiko tho he's got a bit of a cocky character, he wanted to prove he was the best for Matsuda, to the point of asking the past crush to do Matsuda was like okay bro you got it
I can see it as him trying to mark matsuda in a way tho, by being overly open about it, especially when they were talking (past crush and Kamiko) it was his way of saying "I have *that* kind of relationship with Matsuda"
Side notes
There's this sense of loneliness etched between the two of them
With uncertainty of whether he's only staying just because he is "lonely" so that he could "fix" him
Its because of that that Matsuda thinks he might leave just like how he did to all of those girls once they became happy
And so as to not get hurt, he pushes him away by telling him to leave soon
But they both know he wont leave
He wasn't just a guest anymore
It was nice to see him help out in detective work, and the fact that he's actually got sharp and quick thinking skills sometimes noticing things first than mc.
Other side note absolutely FUCK THAT GUY
The the ex friends with benefits
THE AUDACITY BRO, not only are you broke you had the gall to do that shit, if u have debts pay it with your OWN body dont go dragging Matsuda down u weirdo

Ok i cant remember very well now since i read this from a diff site a few days ago but I do recall I found the ml's actions kind of weird
ALTHOUGH I understand he couldn't express his feelings very well but dang there were times he was kinda mean even back then.
Also ok i get it they weren't exclusively together but erm idk he did say he has liked him for a long time so how could he casually "help out" that girl like hmm ok ig your choice.
Anyways glad it got sorted out in the end? (Cant remember the ending sors lol, imma skim through it rn)

Idk what to feel about the male lead, he looks suspicious creepy and scary indeed
Like he sounds "nice" and all that but there's something about him that makes you uncomfortable yknow (actually great job on the author tho for portraying it well, i have the same reaction as the mc each time equally uncomfortable)
Plus it's the way he smiled and his look, its, how, he just looks like the type to be
Anyways if the age gap is really high, I'd be icked, bro tryna strike a chord

The art is so majestic I like it so muchh
Gotta say, the first chapter left a lasting impression, its really interesting and leaves you wanting for more.
So curious what happened back then, I bet Kaito has something to do with Yuuma's scar, i know he was there when it happened
Also side note
I love how the author draws them blushing and doing different expressions like Kaito's angry face it was so good.
Anyways i love Yuuma's expressions and how honest he can be, he couldn't bring himself to keep pretending so he told the truth
Okay side side note
I wanna take a moment to appreciate KAITO
6 years passed, SIX YEARS and yet he still harbors the same feelings he had for Yuuma
The moment he saw him again he did not even hesitate, the fact that he SAVED him right off the bat, he wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna protect him
Oh god I love how he's so head over heels for Yuuma and would do anything for him for the sake of love, he's so devoted
Ngl I would fall for him again in no time, I hope Yuuma starts getting his memory back, Im really curious
I've got a lot of things to say
First of all the art, bro Takanashi is THE guy, his reputation is well deserved coz HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?
oh god Ive read so much of the chapters that I can't gather everything I want to say
But ill try anyway
So majestic, he can cook, he exceeds expectations and does his job really well, he's good at public speaking and can handle people. Basically a top tier elite as Hiwatari says.
Anyways aughh I love this type of story, slow burn, the tension between them, the intensity of their feelings seeping through, especially Hiwatari bro he does NOT play, he wants him bad
And in a totally respectful way too
Love how he doesnt force himself on Takanashi, he's a yearner, he notices everything there is to do about Section chief, and he worries for him, super reliable too.
Okay what kind of review is this lmao, back to the topic
This is really well written I can see this spread out in many volumes I totally wont complain, I want to see their relationship progress in a healthy pace, even the smallest things, their daily life, work, problems and all that, I want to see them overcome all sorts of things together (and of course, cure his ED if ykwim)
I liked seeing the characters grow from volume 1 to 3, especially how they developed and changed. Hiwatari was once (and still is) a very cold associate, but seeing him mellow out over time, forming close bonds with his coworkers (while still being the same strict guy when it comes to work) made me glad. In reality he has a lot of different expressions, especially when it comes to Takanashi.
Takanashi too, back when his tower was still not responding, until it did, but with a coworker who was a guy at that. He wasnt sure at first, but over time, Hiwatari's touch started to feel good, until he couldn't deny it anymore. Glad he wasnt opposed about it tho, even though he was a man.
I just love how Takanashi is such a good man in all aspects, back when he was young until today, he takes his work seriously and cares deeply about the people around him, when Hiwatari had that issue with Nakaido accusing him of abuse of power, Takanashi did his best to resolve the matter in his own way. He's such a good guy man I get why Hiwatari loves him so much, I mean he did help him when he was still a kid, I understand why he treasures that memory and Takanashi
A great man, so is Hiwatari and what he has become, someone who is strong and sticks to what he thinks is right, someone who acts right away to protect people even if it means hurting himself.
The latest volume tho help they finally
I'm so happy for them man, we caught a glimpse of Hiwatari's jealousy and possessiveness, love how Takanashi slowly became more assertive tho, that cliffhanger was crazy, I need to see the new volume as soon as possible
(i have yapped so much, if you have reached all the way to the end ily