vvvkkkvvv January 22, 2024 12:07 am

Is this our new favorite manwha?? Omega is super funny and real.

vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 4:50 pm

Dan's feelings are so sweet and pure. He is so lovely he makes melt. I want to protect him.

vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 4:25 pm

I have to say this is my favorite manwha at this moment. I just love the interactions between the main duo and I can't get enough. I wish the days would go by faster so I can read another chapter. Thank you to the translation team for not dropping it and thanks to the author for letting us read this goodness.

vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 4:17 pm


vvvkkkvvv January 19, 2024 5:53 pm

We all know it won't end here fellas ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

vvvkkkvvv January 19, 2024 5:35 am

Why is there so many hate readers these days and why do they read clearly problematic manwhas? There are plenty of really awesome fluffy yaois out there. I mean it well when I say that you guys should click off and read a different story. Don't waste your precious time on reading something that you don't enjoy.

    ミロ January 19, 2024 6:21 am

    Literally dude. Honestly, they like it. If it really throw someone off then they would've quit reading this story. I quit pearl boy and yours to claim because it was so bad and stressful to even continue on like omfg stop the drama. Literally 90% of pearl boy is that.

    AWinterWonderLand January 19, 2024 6:24 am
    Literally dude. Honestly, they like it. If it really throw someone off then they would've quit reading this story. I quit pearl boy and yours to claim because it was so bad and stressful to even continue on lik... ミロ

    AWinterWonderLand January 19, 2024 6:31 am

    Ppl like to find things to complain about.

    Or they're just SUPER immature. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Addy January 19, 2024 1:32 pm
    Literally dude. Honestly, they like it. If it really throw someone off then they would've quit reading this story. I quit pearl boy and yours to claim because it was so bad and stressful to even continue on lik... ミロ

    Same. I had to stop reading Pearl boy for my mental health. Which is a shame bc the MCs are so pretty but I couldn’t handle the graphic rape scenes

    vvvkkkvvv January 19, 2024 1:41 pm
    Literally dude. Honestly, they like it. If it really throw someone off then they would've quit reading this story. I quit pearl boy and yours to claim because it was so bad and stressful to even continue on lik... ミロ

    Bro SAMEE. I just read the conclusion of Pearl Boy cos as you said, it was wayy too stressful to just read the entire thing and you won't see me being toxic in the comment section of the story. I'll add too that I enjoy problematic semes and coersion and this kind of unhealthy stuff BC IT'S FICTION. It's hot and well, let's be real here, it's porn lol. It's just fantasy.

    vvvkkkvvv January 19, 2024 1:46 pm
    Ppl like to find things to complain about.Or they're just SUPER immature. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ AWinterWonderLand

    This, I think we got massive influx of teens from tiktok (that shouldn't be here in the first place reading 18+ porn) and I'm also guessing that it all started with Jinx cos everyone talked about how shit Jinx was on tiktok and insta reels before it got here. And I'm also pretty sure that a lot of people actually secretly enjoy reading these but they need to pretend like they don't bc it's problematic.

    kys January 21, 2024 1:39 pm
    This, I think we got massive influx of teens from tiktok (that shouldn't be here in the first place reading 18+ porn) and I'm also guessing that it all started with Jinx cos everyone talked about how shit Jinx ... vvvkkkvvv

    the fact you’re aware it’s problematic gives away what type of person you are. no one’s secretly enjoying anything dont try to justify your own shitty interest by playing it off as other people like it too. let’s start using our brain here this story is 14 chapters? literally takes no time at all to read it, you don’t even need to read it fully to grasp a opinion on it, don’t get but hurt someone wants to share the fact they think the story sucks and feel targeted cause they’re shaming people like you for liking it because again COMMENTS ARE HERE FOR A REASON to express your opinion and honesty it takes like what, 1 minute of your time to write out a comment? the fact you’re referencing teens tells me 1. you’re older clearly and 2. you’re just mad weird for under minding teens because they don’t agree with problematic things??? grow up fr

    vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 2:11 pm
    the fact you’re aware it’s problematic gives away what type of person you are. no one’s secretly enjoying anything dont try to justify your own shitty interest by playing it off as other people like it to... kys

    Why so mad? Did I hit a nerve? Are you underage? You know you can express any opinion you have without being emotional. I'm pretty sure you are the one who needs to grow up. I don't have a problem saying I enjoy problematic things you know, are you going to put me to jail for that? And just as you and everyone else has right to share their opinion, I have the right to do that too and seeing the amount of unnecessary toxicity I pointed out that those people that are having bad time reading a story and find it uncomfortable can leave and read a better story to save themselves from feeling horrible. My other comment that you are responding to is my theory why the ecosystem on this website got so toxic and here you are proving my point. Some teen that is addicted to tiktok and full of hate trying to micromanage what people say in the comment section of a porn comic. Kink shaming? Ridiculous. Stop using swearwords and attacking me personally, you can do this without lowering your self worth.

    kys January 21, 2024 2:33 pm
    Why so mad? Did I hit a nerve? Are you underage? You know you can express any opinion you have without being emotional. I'm pretty sure you are the one who needs to grow up. I don't have a problem saying I enjo... vvvkkkvvv

    LMFAO embarrassing

    kys January 21, 2024 2:34 pm
    Why so mad? Did I hit a nerve? Are you underage? You know you can express any opinion you have without being emotional. I'm pretty sure you are the one who needs to grow up. I don't have a problem saying I enjo... vvvkkkvvv

    what a overdramatic response, nothing was emotional about my reply. reread yours and tell me I wasn’t the one who hit a nerve

    vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 2:47 pm
    what a overdramatic response, nothing was emotional about my reply. reread yours and tell me I wasn’t the one who hit a nerve kys

    We both know you were emotional but I won't fight you on that. It's fine, if you ever see me again talking feel free to answer, I actually enjoy talking to strangers even if we disagree as long as it is civil. Don't devalue yourself by arguing with people, it will mess you up.

    kys January 21, 2024 3:28 pm
    We both know you were emotional but I won't fight you on that. It's fine, if you ever see me again talking feel free to answer, I actually enjoy talking to strangers even if we disagree as long as it is civil. ... vvvkkkvvv

    tell me what was so emotional in my response. In my initial one I didn’t even make the focus point about you or the fact you can admit your taste is problematic? but the fact you clinged onto the parts I mentioned it tells me a lot. what you did not grasp was the entire point of the comment being you complaining that people were expressing their dislike for the storyline, I said it’s obvious why it received the hate and why wouldn’t people be able to express their dislike for it? especially since it’s easy as typing it out and moving on, it doesn’t take long to read and form a opinion. what i found so funny is you countering that by saying you have the right to share your opinion too, either you’re hypocritical or you misunderstood again. I knew what type of argument you would form as soon as I read teen but you misunderstood it anyway. you replied to a comment saying “ppl like things to complain about and are immature” and instantly connected it to teens, which felt real opinion based, i pointed it out because what a stupid viewpoint to have that teens god for bid not like something and be called immature for it. I dont lower my self worth nor devalue it by talking to you.

    vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 4:08 pm
    tell me what was so emotional in my response. In my initial one I didn’t even make the focus point about you or the fact you can admit your taste is problematic? but the fact you clinged onto the parts I ment... kys

    Not you arguing about misunderstanding points and then doing it. You started with personally attacking me and analyzing me to then using it against me. I wasn't even focusing on anything, I simply replied to all the points and reflected your energy onto you but the only thing you want from this conversation is to prove me wrong and you don't actually care about exchanging points and having a talk so there is actually no point in us talking to each other. I hope that whatever you are going through gets better and you won't have the urge to argue with strangers. And I don't mean it in a demeaning way. There is no way you are enjoying arguing with me. And I'm not trying to put you down or anything. I shouldn't have replied to you and fueled this toxicity myself but I am not perfect either.

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:16 pm
    Not you arguing about misunderstanding points and then doing it. You started with personally attacking me and analyzing me to then using it against me. I wasn't even focusing on anything, I simply replied to al... vvvkkkvvv

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:19 pm
    tell me what was so emotional in my response. In my initial one I didn’t even make the focus point about you or the fact you can admit your taste is problematic? but the fact you clinged onto the parts I ment... kys

    Here's a long blurb I wrote in another thread: feel free to disagree. This is in a response to another post, with the SAME EXACT argument. The ONLY difference is my response to this post was more geared twds this SPECIFIC READER for NOT WANTING to know the content BEFOREHAND and STILL diving into it. The REST of the point still stands.

    Filling the ENTIRE comments section(s) with "omg, this story is so trash/Seme is so toxic/I hope he dies" etc. ISN'T CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM or feedback or an ACTUAL "review". It is JUST SEEN as COMPLAINING!!! And for THIS PARTICULAR comic, IF you've come here from The Pawn's Revenge, you already knew how fucked up their story COULD be. And no, NOT reading the tags and summaries, is being irresponsible. It's not like it's NON-EXISTENT!!! YOU HAD CHOSEN TO NOT READ IT BECAUSE YOU HAD WANTED TO BE SURPRISED. SO SURPRISE!!!

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:29 pm
    the fact you’re aware it’s problematic gives away what type of person you are. no one’s secretly enjoying anything dont try to justify your own shitty interest by playing it off as other people like it to... kys

    Only ppl who uses the word fr are super immature. I know how gen Z and shit works. They're immature and complaining and whining about EVERYTHING. Lmao. You only need to look at how they react and write to know how "immature" they are.

    And feeling targeted because you guys are actually "targeting"?!? Did you use your brain or did it get left somewhere on the train?!? Lmao.

    Don't need moral policing and attacks on person. Not mature enough to have discussion or debate without trying to disgrace other ppl. Oh God, not the morality police. Did you think "calling out someone for their taste" or "attacking someone for their taste" acceptable?!? Who are you to judge their tastes?!?

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:33 pm
    tell me what was so emotional in my response. In my initial one I didn’t even make the focus point about you or the fact you can admit your taste is problematic? but the fact you clinged onto the parts I ment... kys

    Filling the ENTIRE comments section(s) with "omg, this story is so trash/Seme is so toxic/I hope he dies" etc. ISN'T CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM or feedback or an ACTUAL "review". It is JUST SEEN as COMPLAINING!!! And for THIS PARTICULAR comic, IF you've come here from The Pawn's Revenge, you already knew how fucked up their story COULD be. And no, NOT reading the tags and summaries, is being irresponsible. It's not like it's NON-EXISTENT!!! YOU HAD CHOSEN TO NOT READ IT BECAUSE YOU HAD WANTED TO BE SURPRISED. SO SURPRISE!!!

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:34 pm
    tell me what was so emotional in my response. In my initial one I didn’t even make the focus point about you or the fact you can admit your taste is problematic? but the fact you clinged onto the parts I ment... kys

    AND EVEN IF the summary in the summary section had NOT been filled out by the uploader, there are PLENTY of other readers who have read the story or had gotten the summary from another source (an MTL'd raws or the descriptiom from the official translations) and had LAID it ALL OUT there FOR you, then it's ALL ON YOU!!! COMPLAINING about a STORY BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE SIGNS IS NOT OUR PROBLEM. BUT YOURS!!! IN THE DISTANT PAST, WHEN "BOOKS" WERE A THING!!! AND PEOPLE HAD TO GO THE LIBRARY!!! OR A BOOKSTORE!!! OR A FRIEND'S OR RELATIVE'S HOUSE OR SCHOOL OR WHEREVER YOU ALL HANGED, WHAT YOU "WOULD HAVE DONE" AS A NORMAL HUMAN BEAN, IS TO READ THE COVER, THE SUMMARY IN THE BACK, AND ANY INTRO, OR REVIEWS (IF AVAILABLE), EVEN IF THERE WERE NO FEEDBACK FROM (A LIVE SOURCE: IN PERSON, OVER THE PHONE, THROUGH (SNAIL) MAIL) ANYONE in your IMMEDIATE VICINITY!!! It's a TYPICAL thing ppl Do!!! What is the POINT of a summary and cover page and reviews for if you're not going to read it?!? Are you gonna pick up a random book and just goes, oh, this is romance fantasy, and this is my cup of tea, but then don't even read the summary to find out if it's the type of romance fantasy you wanted to read?!? Now with the information age, even if you don't have real life friends or relatives who have read these things and sum up the story for you or give you a heads-up, there are PLENTY of spoilers. I GET that there is the THRILL of NOT reading the "TAGS" - WHICH WEREN'T even a THING BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS -, OR THE SUMMARIES, AND OTHER PPL'S COMMENTS/DESCRIPTION OF THE STORY IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. BUT IF YOU HAD CHOSEN TO DO SO, LIKE closing your eyes and stepping on a ride that you don't know how it operates, then you LITERALLY DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO COMPLAIN. Cuz you had CHOSEN to go into it BLIND. This would be the ONE TIME you would have said to yourself (to yourself) oh well, that was UNEXPECTED. I mean, what DID you EXPECT?!? The EXPECTED?!? GOING INTO IT BLINDLY AND WILLINGLY AND THEN DEFENDING THE "oh, I didn't read this so I didn't know WHAT I was getting into" is such a LAME-ASS EXCUSE!!! And for those WHO HAVE READ the Fucking TAGS AND SUMMARIES AND the COMMENTS prior DIVING into the MATERIAL already KNEW WHAT they WERE getting INTO. Morbid CURIOSITY KILLS THE CAT. Unless, maybe it's their first time being exposed to such things. But still, you and they are just WHINING about it. Adults don't DO this!!! This just SIMPLY INSANE!!! It's like you soiled your diapers and then sit there CRYING about it. Instead of just getting up and clean yourself up you just sit there in YOUR OWN POO and CRYING about it. The sickening IMMATURITY OF READERS SUCH AS YOURSELF IS MAKING IT HARD for the REST of us to enjoy ourselves. When LITERALLY, that is what this piece of work is ALL ABOUT. QUIT YAPPING AND READ IT AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!! IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE T*X*CITY THEN DON'T READ IT!!! SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:43 pm
    tell me what was so emotional in my response. In my initial one I didn’t even make the focus point about you or the fact you can admit your taste is problematic? but the fact you clinged onto the parts I ment... kys

    Somehow you take the "right to comment" to constitute "just complaining and whining". What joy is there for readers if others are only complaining?!? What?!? Are you 12?!? Even if you were young, there are young or underage readers even mature enough to make constructive commentaries. And if there ARE adults who read this shit AND STILL complains, then I guess they're STILL in the milk-sucking phase as well.

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 10:48 pm
    the fact you’re aware it’s problematic gives away what type of person you are. no one’s secretly enjoying anything dont try to justify your own shitty interest by playing it off as other people like it to... kys

    Somehow you take the "right to comment" to constitute "just complaining and whining". What joy is there for readers if others are only complaining?!? What?!? Are you 12?!? Even if you were young, there are young or underage readers even mature enough to make constructive commentaries. And if there ARE adults who read this shit AND STILL complains, then I guess they're STILL in the milk-sucking phase as well. Your complaining is JUST ANNOYING and making the experience unenjoyable. It's like a bunch of babies flapping about and crying cuz they can't find their mommies. Booohooohoo. Hilarious!! And STILL trying to justify your complaints. The very word complaint is by definition "to be annoyed". So those who are complaining "is being annoying". It's not dumb to tell someone to not read dark materials if they don't like it. It's common sense to tell someone not to step into poo. But if stepping in poo and not liking it and complaining about it when you've been warned is like??? The definition of dumb?!? Stop wrapping yourself in shit and complaining about the shit that YOU LITERALLY put YOURSELF through. Nobody had forced you into reading it. So you LITERALLY have NO RIGHT to complain.

    kys January 21, 2024 11:13 pm
    Somehow you take the "right to comment" to constitute "just complaining and whining". What joy is there for readers if others are only complaining?!? What?!? Are you 12?!? Even if you were young, there are youn... AWinterWonderLand

    i must’ve hurt you personally, your immaturity level based on your replies alone is apparent. this isn’t worth replying to because you’re writing is embarrassing

    kys January 21, 2024 11:29 pm
    Not you arguing about misunderstanding points and then doing it. You started with personally attacking me and analyzing me to then using it against me. I wasn't even focusing on anything, I simply replied to al... vvvkkkvvv

    if my point became lost then whatever but it still stands it what was originally my intention to put it simply that the same way it’s annoying to you to see people diss the story is equally the same annoyance when I see people hate on the fact people diss others opinion because their reasoning is “it’s problematic what do u expect” in a comment section where it’s entirely the point. I’ll admit that their was biased in it because of my person opinion on the story I was never planning to “argue” I expressed what I thought because I simply couldn’t see your side in any sense. I wanted you to have reasoning that would hold up without biased but we both couldn’t get that. I do disagree with you but after seeing the other replies at least you held more maturity and not emotion driven which I’ll respect.

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 11:43 pm
    i must’ve hurt you personally, your immaturity level based on your replies alone is apparent. this isn’t worth replying to because you’re writing is embarrassing kys

    Speak for yourself

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 11:47 pm
    i must’ve hurt you personally, your immaturity level based on your replies alone is apparent. this isn’t worth replying to because you’re writing is embarrassing kys

    Your level of understanding is low. But based on your maturity level. You'd never understand it.

    AWinterWonderLand January 21, 2024 11:49 pm
    Speak for yourself AWinterWonderLand

    Can't handle my writing so starts to attack me. REEEAAAALLLL mature.

    vvvkkkvvv January 21, 2024 11:51 pm
    if my point became lost then whatever but it still stands it what was originally my intention to put it simply that the same way it’s annoying to you to see people diss the story is equally the same annoyance... kys

    Even if we don't match in opinion I am glad that we can agree to disagree lol. I rarely come to disagreements in comment section but as I said before, if you see me commenting on anything again, feel free to join in. (rare possibility but it can happen) We may have more in common than the other way around.

    ミロ January 22, 2024 11:35 am

    Why are y'all fighting here goshh

vvvkkkvvv January 19, 2024 5:16 am

Damn, I love this kind of down bad psycho shit. The author cooked.

vvvkkkvvv January 17, 2024 4:47 pm

Bro, dude is hot af.

vvvkkkvvv January 17, 2024 3:12 pm

Damn that Dajin girl is based. She has good moral compas and doesn't give a shit. I like her very much.

vvvkkkvvv January 16, 2024 4:05 am

Damn, the seme is an asshole. I love it.

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