Okay, "hate" is a strong word, but it does make me sad how often it seems to come up.
I read the romance genre with an ounce of hope, and but the ubiquitous nature of 'they're in love b/c they're childhood friends' just sucks it right out of me—what am I supposed to do if I don't have a freakin' childhood friend waiting in the wings like that (⌒▽⌒)
Does anyone ever else feel this way?

I often like to mark manga I've read "as read" and leave ratings, so I remember later if I want to come back to it. However, since we get notifications for every manga that we mark as "already read" or "currently reading", that means that there's lots of manga in my updates section, and I end up missing updates for the mangas that I like since, I don't always have their covers memorized.
I'd like to be able to choose which mangas are being updated in a separate way—so I can pay more attention to the series that I like, and not get distracted by series that I don't.
I really enjoy using Mangago—I love how the site is organized and that I can make lists and albums. Please take as a suggestion and not a demand. ╥﹏╥
for example, there's lots of webtoons which aren't marked as webtoons, but it would be nice if they were :^0
it would make my life so much easier