I sent a message to mangago's account and emailed them and it's been over a week and they still haven't done anything to remove duplicate chapters that I want to report to them. Is there anything else I can do?
Well, obviously it was because he wanted to cherish his friendship more then his feelings for him, some people hold it in for more or never even share those feelings at all. It’s not for “no reason”, that’s the internal conflict, this is an emotional story
Oh wait nvm, I’m thinking you’re talking about them as high schoolers lol but I realized that was during a span of two years. Yeah this boi really dropped off the face of the earth like it could just end like that
Before commenting went away, there was a little flag where we could report if there were problems with a manga.
Is the best way to report problems like these by messaging Mangago at https://www.mangago.zone/home/gomail/1/ ?
Or some other way?
Yes! Since the white flag is gone, Mangago's official account is now your best buddy for basically anything.
You can also choose to email the webmaster at [email protected]. Whichever works for you :">
thank you!!!!
I sent a message to mangago's account and emailed them and it's been over a week and they still haven't done anything to remove duplicate chapters that I want to report to them. Is there anything else I can do?