I don't know what drugs the comments are on but this was an incredible read. Raised by an extremely mentally ill mother and having feared becoming that for so long this story felt like a peek into that feared life. It shows the tragedy and fruitlessness that comes with aiding a delusional person. She was lovely and innocent, someone who doesn't deserve a life locked up in a ward. The side stories were interesting and rarely shown in other stories. The unabating love the girl held even when knowing that love is futile with a gay man. The egotistical and abusive gay proffesor who never truly helped the suicidal kid.
the ML feels kinda misogynistic like "how dare you seduce me" bitch she was looking at some fucking flowers in what way are you entitled to her. Also he was coming off as such a predator like trapping her in a room and not asking for her say in anything, if she was running away she is clearly uncomfortable around you. If a man lugged me on his shoulders and trapped me in a room I'd be fucking pissed. Referring to her as if she's just an animal to be tamed is so dehumanizing. I don't care how hot he is he's so ignorant it's painful.
The...end? What do you mean THE END???????!!! In what way was that an end??? That wasn't an end>? Did they change the definition of end when I wasn't looking?????? Did the author just give up and decided shows over??? What is this?? What is "end"?????
Oh my it will continue? Im so happy. Wish there will be more people who will read this!!!