Yan-chan answered question about question
I used to burn my arms with candle wax because I thought it was funny how the wax immediately solidified on my skin. That was weird as hell now that I think about it
Yan-chan created a topic of 19 Days

I still can't believe that even 8 years after I've started reading thus manhua, it's still not over

Yan-chan created a topic of Full volume

Honestly, this bl wasn't the kind to be serious from the beginning so I'm not bothered by the lack of serious moments. They're sweet and funny. That's why I like this manwha

Yan-chan created a topic of The Bully In-Charge

It's hard to understand Daegun and Haejun's relationship. Why does Haejun act like he's doing everything for Daegun. It doesn't make any sense. They can be cordial with each other but there's tension too

Yan-chan created a topic of Camping

That's not a dick, that's a weapon of mass destruction

Yan-chan answered question about scared of dating
I don't understand why people even get married. How can they handle having some guy invading their space every day? Honestly, aside from sex with someone you like, what other benefit is there? Divorce is expensive as hell too and an annoying process
Yan-chan answered question about discord server
They're both psychos, but in different ways

I just can't get over the fact that his name is Planche lmao. It means plank in French. Dude is a wooden board

Yan-chan created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Even if Jaehyuk admits his feelings, it's obvious that Garam is going to reject him harshly (he'll probably regret it later, but that's bl for you). Jaehyuk is like a 5-year old kid, I can't be mad at him so maybe he should stay delusional a while longer lmao

Yan-chan answered question about friends who share my passions
My suha, define the relationship, devil on top, etc. There are many of them lmao
Yan-chan followed a list

I didn't think this list would have so much followers. Thank you. For those who are asking if this list is active, yes its active. I'm just really picky.

What you'll basically see here:

Heroic Protagonist.
Trash Protagonist turned good.
Plain trash protagonist you can't help but like.
Villainous protagonist.
Cheat-like protagonist.

I'm biased with everything placed here since I read it all. I hope you like them too.

Credit to the original source.

15 12,2023
Yan-chan answered question about applying edging to your life
I almost drowned in vacation because of a big wave I hadn't seen while I was swimming. Always pay attention, folks!
Yan-chan answered question about make a picrew
I feel like there wasn't that much choice, but I did my best lmao
Yan-chan followed question about make a picrew


13 12,2023
Yan-chan answered question about question
Characters with long and dark hair are gorgeous
Yan-chan created a topic of Damn Reincarnation

Dude just casually talks about plundering his own grave. It's kind of funny


March 2024?! How am I going to survive until then? I've been waiting for Suryong to become a lot stronger, and it's finally time for some Suryong-focused chapters. I guess I'll hibernate until March

Sometimes I feel like nothing is happening. The author takes too much time to explain what's going to happen instead of actually showing it. It's a bit frustrating. At least, the story is interesting


This guy thinks he and his empire can corner Roman. It's always funny to see characters belittle him and regret it afterwards

Yan-chan answered question about let's be positive
I'm not into that but I'll try to answer seriously. Pros: I guess it gives people a safe place, a way to express themselves and relax. Cons: the costume seems too warm, many furries are embarrassing on social media, people (myself included) don't get it so we find it weird