Devvy.v November 1, 2020 12:52 pm

So it seems like the doctor has removed half of the bullet.
The human almost died during this.
They’re gonna have to redo the procedure later, and Cain is afraid that it’ll completely off the human.
Cain also knows there’s big shit goi g down in hell, and doesn’t want to involve the human cause he’ll likely die.
Also, he doesn’t need to use the human to go back to hell cause he’s got a lot of his power back.
Now he’s dipped on the human, the doctor, and the red head, and those three are being attacked by a rude dude.
It seems like Cain is putting out levels of his power to either warn people that he’s back in business and ready to fuck shit up, oooor to draw the top not bad boys to him.
Want him to go back to our mortal, but that can’t really be done until his feud is over with satan and/or mr. schizo is gone.

    mint_vee November 1, 2020 12:55 pm

    idek whats going on half of the time lol so thank you for this (≧∀≦)

    Devvy.v November 1, 2020 5:46 pm
    idek whats going on half of the time lol so thank you for this (≧∀≦) mint_vee

    It was me also trying to understand... I love this comic so much that I’m trying very hard not to get lost... there’s been a lot of re-reading everything. Lol and sorry for any misspellings... I typed that after 4 hours of sleep, while still half asleep. ㅠㅠ

Devvy.v October 16, 2020 11:13 pm

It could just be the margarita in me but if Cain dares do this shit I’ll kick his aaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss don’t be a dick. Come back you turd.

Devvy.v October 12, 2020 12:42 am

I’m so invested in this.
Black and white
Line art
I don’t care.
I’m crying, I’m so happy.

Devvy.v October 8, 2020 11:13 am

People acting very high and mighty over the cop. He’s not a horrible human being. He’s a human being. He was jealous, and realized (later rather than sooner) that what he did was wrong.

I thoroughly enjoy his story. At first I was mad, but I got over it when the main characters were able to see through his bullshit. And they decided to move on and grow stronger as a couple.

Y’all seriously gonna all act like you’ve never hurt anyone out of jealousy - known or unknown? Like, this can range from ANYTHING to talking crap about that person, to trying to sabotage their relationship(s). Not just pretending to sleep with one party, and then trying to get everyone riled up.

I can honestly say that, when I was 14, I was so angry with a friend, that I did fuck around with her boyfriend of two years, he did break up with her, and I did feel happy. Unlike this guy who apologized and didn’t even sleep with the boy. And before you attack me, I’ve done a lot of growing, I know what I did was wrong, and I would never do that again. I was in a sick, unhealthy place (without even realizing). I’ve taken steps to better myself, and my “side story” would be fire. So think about aaaaaall the wrong you’ve done in your life before utterly hating this dude.

I thought he was a dick, but he’s not like... A nazi or abuser or a pedo or something. That side story is never read.

    DCLXVI October 8, 2020 11:54 am

    THANK YOU OMG. I honestly thought I was the only one. Everyone's quick to get angry at anyone even hinting at messing with the main couple. He's not even a bad guy. He had his own issues he was dealing with. He even tried to set things right. And honestly the main couple was not perfect either. Everyone just talks about how angry they were at how the cop wanted to break up the couple, not even caring to realize that he's human too. Yeah, what he did was messed up. I'll admit it. It's obvious he has things he's going through. It just makes me upset that people automatically get angry at this cop who did something so human. Yes I understand it was wrong, I'm not defending him there. But he's HUMAN. I know EVERYONE has done something they're not proud of and hurt people. We hurt people because we're hurt. No, it's not right, but NO ONE is perfect.

    - Sorry if this is a mess... I honestly just wanted to rant my point and agree with the comment above... I'm not talking about every comment regarding the cop. You're entitled to your own opinion. This is mainly for those who outright hate him because he "tried to break the couple up" -

    Devvy.v October 8, 2020 12:16 pm
    THANK YOU OMG. I honestly thought I was the only one. Everyone's quick to get angry at anyone even hinting at messing with the main couple. He's not even a bad guy. He had his own issues he was dealing with. He... DCLXVI

    Exactly. 100%. Everyone has done wrong in their life, everyone has hurt someone. All we can do is ask for growth and change.

    And people are entitled to hate him. That’s their opinion, and it’s okay. But, at the same time, you shouldn’t wish for his entire life to be shit. Like, come on. He’s a human. He’s kinda dumb (really dumb). And what he did was a serious dick move. But that doesn’t mean everything he does is horrible. He just handled this situation poorly... he has a lot of growing to do, and I’d love to see that. He needs to find someone who truly cares about him.. and he needs to care about himself better. I don’t want to see him with his childhood love interest though... really... that’s not starting at the best point, and it seems really toxic.

    blueninja89 October 8, 2020 12:29 pm

    I just don’t like him because his exacts words were “he treats people like they’re a convenience” his whole mind side is use people before they use him. He’s a grown adult not a child. He’s developed into this mind set that even when presented with an opportunity with a drunk crush right in front of him chapters ago he went straight away to can I get away with assaulting him while he can’t say no and fully remember. He actual had that thought. He’s not a good person. Period. You’re just making excuses for him.

    xielian_inlove October 8, 2020 1:15 pm

    but he IS a horrible human being, have you forgotten all the things he’s done and said in this story?!

    uwu October 8, 2020 1:33 pm
    I just don’t like him because his exacts words were “he treats people like they’re a convenience” his whole mind side is use people before they use him. He’s a grown adult not a child. He’s develope... blueninja89

    THANK YOU omfg he's a grown ass man been horrible just because he can even he knows that

    yeoonnie October 8, 2020 5:10 pm

    Thank you for sharing! I think personal insight on the situation added a level of understanding that a simple “guys let’s not hate hyun min so much” probably couldn’t achieve

    Devvy.v October 9, 2020 1:03 am
    but he IS a horrible human being, have you forgotten all the things he’s done and said in this story?! xielian_inlove

    Aight. Thank you. So a human can do nothing to better themself or get better or do better. That’s basically what your response it. He can do no growing because you’ve labeled him as a horrible person, right off the back. No arc of redemption for a troubled person.

    Again. He is not a murderer or a rapist or a monster. He toyed around with an already teetering relationship, where both people obviously had their doubts and reservations. But there is nooooooothing he can do to redeem himself.

    Like, you know, coming face to face with his issues. Figuring out the root of his problems. Apologizing, and really meaning it (which he did).

    But again, you’re absolutely right.

    (Side note) With your logic, I couldn’t become a better person. There’s nothing I can do to be a better person. I’m a horrible person, who’s done horrible things. Because I ruined an already rocky relationship, one where one of the partners was already looking for an out. I can’t possibly redeem myself.

    Noooooo. That’s not how existing works.

    We all do wrong, and all we can do is try to be better next time. He’s still a mess, yes, but he can do better. And I, personally, hope he does. That would be refreshing. I’d like to see it.

    Devvy.v October 9, 2020 1:15 am
    I just don’t like him because his exacts words were “he treats people like they’re a convenience” his whole mind side is use people before they use him. He’s a grown adult not a child. He’s develope... blueninja89

    1.) he was going to kiss him because he would never get the opportunity again (those were the actual words in that chapter). If it didn’t go well, he’d play it off like a drunk joke. He wasn’t going to rape the dude. I’ve drunkenly made out with people, I’ve drunkenly tried to make out with people and got rejected. The difference is, he stopped. Unlike a lot of other stories like these, where the dudes don’t stop. (This kinda proves the opposite of what you’ve gotten upset about. And it shows he’s not a horrible person.)

    2.) yes, he is a cynic. He believes the worst in people right off the bat. And that is sad, but what happened to make him that way? I, personally, want to see the best in people, but the longer you exist, you realize humans are selfish creatures (inherently). You have to watch out for yourself, and protect yourself, because in the end, you are by yourself. That is how he copes with loss.

    You don’t have to like him. I’m not saying you have to like him. I don’t care if you DON’T like him. I like the idea of GROWTH, which is what many of you won’t even give him. Y’all are just as cynical as he is. Lol

    he is a dumbass. He is an idiot. He makes mistakes, and has hurt the two main people of this story. Yes. They should be mad with him, they should be guarded around him. But it doesn’t mean he can’t become a better person to himself and other people. And NOT fuck with other relationships.

    DCLXVI October 9, 2020 1:48 am
    1.) he was going to kiss him because he would never get the opportunity again (those were the actual words in that chapter). If it didn’t go well, he’d play it off like a drunk joke. He wasn’t going to ra... Devvy.v

    I've never respected someone this much in my life. You don't understand how much this means to me. I ALWAYS try to see the best in people. It's so hard to find someone who genuinely tries to understand the situation, who reads in between the lines. Everyone is so quick to anger, when they don't understand what the author is trying to convey.

    xielian_inlove October 9, 2020 2:49 am

    @devvy not sure why you are riding so hard for this FICTIONAL character, which the author made pretty clear from the moment she introduced him that he is an asshole. and sadly he is still doing asshole things like taking advantage of a drunk person.
    nothing you will say will make most readers like him whether a human irl has a second chance or not. you bringing in real life people to this comment section is irrelevant. also just because humans have second chances to redeem themselves etc doesn't make them immediately likeable. so get off your soapbox and chill tf out.

    blueninja89 October 9, 2020 2:59 am
    @devvy not sure why you are riding so hard for this FICTIONAL character, which the author made pretty clear from the moment she introduced him that he is an asshole. and sadly he is still doing asshole things l... xielian_inlove

    Lmfao. I mean sis.

    xielian_inlove October 9, 2020 3:10 am

    @blueninja for real :S people need to take proper perspective with this kind of shit (especially 2d stuff ~ imagine coming on here to lecture others on how they should regard a character lmao) ...instead of wasting my time with the most weak apologist rhetoric ever for a poorly constructed, awful character whose only purpose was to create a wedge between the two leads. i liked your comment above btw - too bad we can't upvote replies xo

    DCLXVI October 9, 2020 4:59 am
    @blueninja for real :S people need to take proper perspective with this kind of shit (especially 2d stuff ~ imagine coming on here to lecture others on how they should regard a character lmao) ...instead of was... xielian_inlove

    It's obviously not a waste if you're jumping in on a conversation you obviously have no clue about. This wasn't a lecture on how to regard a character, this was addressing those who bluntly hated him without any logic behind it. They jumped to the conclusion that he's trash, and honestly you're no different. And how do you know his purpose in the story? No one really does at this point. You obviously didn't understand what Devvy.v was trying to get across.

    xielian_inlove October 9, 2020 5:36 am

    @dcl LMAO say what? repeat that first sentence you wrote and make it make sense ( ̄∇ ̄") what a clown ...anyway, to address the rest of your barely comprehensible, rambly message, i as did the other reader in this thread as well as numerous separate posts literally expressed WHY we dislike the character. if you don't see logic, it's simply because you don't want to see (and i guess it gives you a hard on to be preachy in the comment section telling us how to think? pfft). why does it bother you so much that people don't think like you, especially when you are wrong? he IS trash.
    and fucking duh, i know his purpose because I say it played out for 15+ chapters. now the author is trying to give him a separate arc but thing is the author made the character very unlikable (regardless of whether he gets a second chance or not) and many of us really don't give a fuck if he gets to love or not. we'll probably tune in for smut though bc smut is smut & the art is nice. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    anonienonie October 16, 2020 1:50 pm

    I do agree that people do dumb things, and if they show SINCERE growth and change, then they should be afforded the opportunity to flip the negative opinions others have. That doesn't excuse or erase the horrible things they did of course, but it shouldn't be the one thing that defines them, especially when they are trying to legitimately be better.

    We see this for the couple-- they had a lot of dumb misunderstandings, reacted poorly and hurt each other. However, we saw them grow and they are getting better at communicating. They're not perfect and will continue to make mistakes, but that's just life.

    As for the cop, I wouldn't dislike him so much if he actually showed growth. It seemed like we were gonna see some of that after he told the couple the truth etc, but per the latest chapters, it seems he's back to meddle some more. And there lies the problem-- he's not changed at all. It doesn't seem like he's at all remorseful which agitates a lot of people. Obviously we'll have to see what the future chapters hold-- I do hope he becomes a better human being. Personally, I still dislike him for the antics he pulled, as that's something I would not be able to forgive IRL.

    Also, tiny point of contention regarding the use of "horrible being" and comparing it to criminals... Perspective is important, so sometimes it's good to remember there are a lot of horrible cruel things that happen out in the world. However, that feels very dismissive. He's not a criminal (rapist/murderer) yes, but in the couple's world, he did some pretty fucked up shit that truly affected them. All violent criminals are horrible people, but not all horrible people are criminals (I dislike generalising things like this, but I'm sure you get my point.)

Devvy.v October 8, 2020 2:26 am

The anxiety I feel right now is so strong. I’d die if I were him. I need someone to hypnotize me, send help please.

Devvy.v October 6, 2020 1:29 pm

My duuuude... what is going ooooon. I need more information.

Devvy.v October 4, 2020 10:32 pm

Student bb... please stop... ruuuuuuude

Devvy.v September 30, 2020 12:13 pm

‘Twas a dick. That’s not even a dick I would wish on my worst enemy. Thank god it wasn’t that poor boys real body... ahahaha

Even as a straight woman, I don’t enjoy staring at a dick... I appreciate the work that went into drawing it, but I’d rather stare at a lightsaber. I’m crying.

Devvy.v September 30, 2020 11:12 am

I was in an abusive relationship for 4 years. I loved him and he loved me. Despite how he treated me and what he said to me, he would always be sweet afterwards and buy me gifts and shower me with love. Then the next day, he would return to how he was.

If you have never been in an abusive relationship, then you don’t know what it’s like.

The fear, the guilt, the sadness, and the love. All of it mixed together. I had so many reasons and opportunities to leave but: “if I’m a better girlfriend, he will be happy with me.” “If I stop talking to boys, he’ll be happy with me.” “If I’m sweet, he will take care of me and love me.” “I’m not pretty enough to find anyone else... he’s right when he told me that.” “No one will ever love me as much as he does.” “If I didn’t say (this) like (that), he wouldn’t have gotten mad.” “If I work out, he says I’m looking for attention, if I don’t workout, I’m fat.” “If I leave him... how will he react? Will he hurt me?” But, he bought me my favorite flowers on a Wednesday, to apologize. He bought me cute stuffed animals, to apologize. He bought me jewelry, to apologize. So, he loves me. He has to love me. And I love him, so much that I can look past how he treats me. He would GUILT ME, threaten to ruin my relationship, cry and beg for me to forgive him, said he would change... my mom said that if I went to live with him, she wouldn’t hear from me til I was on the news as missing or murdered.

And when I finally found the courage to leave him, he turned my closest friends against me. I lost everyone except for my family.

I was a victim, it will never happen again. This boy is struggling with what is happening. It is hard to leave your abusive partner, because they make you believe that it YOU in the wrong. YOU are why they hit you. YOU are why they yell at you. YOU are why this is happening. And YOU will never be good enough for anyone else. Eventually you begin to believe all of that, and you lose trust in other humans. So stop blaming him. You know nothing.

    AFTER EIGHT September 30, 2020 4:35 pm

    Well done. I think your strong and wonderful. I wish you all the happiness in the world!

    PixilatedFudanshi October 1, 2020 11:50 am

    Yes, Thank you so much for saying this!

    Heftylesbian October 1, 2020 3:13 pm

    Something very similar happened to my best friend. I am so sorry that you went through this, no one should. I am PROUD a of you for leaving, it must have been the most challenging thing to have done. Those friends weren’t worth keeping if they left you without hearing what you had to say.

    Victim blaming, like what people in the comments are doing, is another reason as to why it is hard for victims to leave relationships. It’s why so many people get away with being abusive. It frightens me seeing how angry people are getting at the MC. Nobody knows how hard it is to leave abusive relationships until they go through it themselves.

    Anonymous October 1, 2020 7:15 pm

    Thank you for sharing this with us and all the best for the future

    haley October 1, 2020 8:41 pm

    youre really strong and brave, please keep up. ily

    Devvy.v October 1, 2020 9:06 pm

    Oooon wooow. Thank you all for your kind comments. This all happened when I was younger, and it has been at least 6 years since I broke it off. I wasn’t looking for all the praise.. but I greatly appreciate it.

    I really just want people who have never been in such a situation to understand how difficult it is. And I didn’t leave that person until I moved to another state and was far enough away to where he didn’t know my address. Even then it took 1 year to finally break it off with him. A lot of victims aren’t fortunate enough to be able to leave though... and South Korea is very tiny. Even if this character were to uproot his life and move to another city, he could still be found by his abuser...

    AFTER EIGHT October 2, 2020 11:05 am
    Oooon wooow. Thank you all for your kind comments. This all happened when I was younger, and it has been at least 6 years since I broke it off. I wasn’t looking for all the praise.. but I greatly appreciate i... Devvy.v

    You are welcome. It doesn't matter how long ago this happened reading this story brought back that memory for you. It's just like a smell be it food,perfume or even the smell of motor oil these for some people can be triggers. Music or even a certain song takes us back in time. You moved on , I think you are fab!

    Kamisito October 2, 2020 2:18 pm

    That sounds horrible ; im sorry you had to go through it .I had my share of emotional abuse and bullying but it was from a family member so i couldn't get myself away fast enough but good thing you chose yourself and your well being

    AFTER EIGHT October 2, 2020 3:40 pm
    That sounds horrible ; im sorry you had to go through it .I had my share of emotional abuse and bullying but it was from a family member so i couldn't get myself away fast enough but good thing you chose yourse... Kamisito

    So sorry to hear that. I really hope your coping mentally especially when family are involved and you have no place to run and not only that but who can you tell,who will listen,who can you trust to believe you! I'm so pleased your still with us to share your story I know their are loads of people on here suffering the same emotional pain. You are wonderful-keep on going! My friend didn't make it thanks to her father and too many are suffering the same fate. Please speak out,don't suffer in silence!

    AFTER EIGHT October 2, 2020 3:42 pm
    That sounds horrible ; im sorry you had to go through it .I had my share of emotional abuse and bullying but it was from a family member so i couldn't get myself away fast enough but good thing you chose yourse... Kamisito

    I really wish I could hug and heal every ones pain so they didn't have to suffer abuse!

    Kamisito October 2, 2020 4:20 pm
    So sorry to hear that. I really hope your coping mentally especially when family are involved and you have no place to run and not only that but who can you tell,who will listen,who can you trust to believe you... AFTER EIGHT

    You message really warmed my heart , i truly needed to hear that cause i was in so deep denying anything was wrong and trying to fix everything on my own .it's a tough cycle to be stuck in , like you said , no one should let themselves endure that kind of enviroment

    Devvy.v October 2, 2020 5:14 pm
    That sounds horrible ; im sorry you had to go through it .I had my share of emotional abuse and bullying but it was from a family member so i couldn't get myself away fast enough but good thing you chose yourse... Kamisito

    When it’s coming from family it’s even worse... because you’re supposed to be able to trust them, and it’s hard to get away from them. You never deserved that, and I’m sorry they put you through that/ allowed you to go through that. I hope that you’re safe and as happy as you can be now.

    AFTER EIGHT October 2, 2020 5:52 pm
    You message really warmed my heart , i truly needed to hear that cause i was in so deep denying anything was wrong and trying to fix everything on my own .it's a tough cycle to be stuck in , like you said , no ... Kamisito

    Sweetheart,you can't fix everything on your own. You need the right person to give you strength and guidance,it's just knowing who that person maybe. Never feel alone there is always someone somewhere. Sending lots of love and healing to you! ps: I still think your really strong and wonderful!

    Kamisito October 2, 2020 6:12 pm
    When it’s coming from family it’s even worse... because you’re supposed to be able to trust them, and it’s hard to get away from them. You never deserved that, and I’m sorry they put you through that/... Devvy.v

    It's true we can't really chose who are parents and family are , And i do have days where i remember how afraid and unsafe i felt growing up i woudn't wish that for anyone , cause they say you grow from whatever you go through but no one say how you deal with the lingering pain you carry with you , cause it's damn exhausting . Anyhow Thank you for your kind words and i wish you are better and happier too whatever you are

Devvy.v September 19, 2020 10:17 am

Reading on lezhin but I came to see if everyone else was as mad as I am. This some bs and our sweet little baby owes that dumb ass nothing. Not sorry. I had a guy do something like this to me, and I never talked to him again. So F off with your BS. Just cause they do it with you once doesn’t mean they’ll do it with you every time you want.

    ag.jjtj September 19, 2020 10:50 am

    Oh I’m so sorry that happened to u. I have friends who also were in this situation, so kinda pisses me off when people are like “they should just talk”, like no, talking to your rapist ain’t that easy

    Devvy.v September 19, 2020 1:25 pm
    Oh I’m so sorry that happened to u. I have friends who also were in this situation, so kinda pisses me off when people are like “they should just talk”, like no, talking to your rapist ain’t that easy ag.jjtj

    ****sorry for the long post****

    Exactly. I think that it feels like a grey area... like yeah, we had sex one time, consensually, but does that mean you have to continue putting out? With my case, it was only one time. Like, we did the sex and then he wanted more but I was tired (lack of sleep). He decided to continue, I “didn’t say no loud enough” or “try to get away.” I straight up blacked out and when I came to he was still doing it, I was in pain, and crying. That’s when he stopped. When I cried. Not when I said no, not when I hit his hand, not when I tried to get away.

    I’m 26. This was only months ago. This had NEVER happened to me before. I’m abrasive, I’m loud, and I’m very much “yes” or “no.” I have never felt so confused, terrified, or broken in my entire life. I was embarrassed. I couldn’t tell my best friend, I couldn’t tell my family, and all I could do was cry whenever I thought about it or was alone. I finally had to tell someone, because I couldn’t go on with it anymore, and I felt like I was going crazy. I confided in my best friend and cried the whole time (she’s never heard me cry like that, and I rarely do.)

    What really upset me was the man thought he did nothing wrong. He said it was my fault. I should have been more VOCAL or physical. He still wanted to date me. And I finally called him (because I was afraid to be around him) and told him I wasn’t interested in him. A week later he messaged me on Facebook and then texted me. Both times saying I need to explain myself, I needed to stop ignoring him, that I was being a bad person for not talking to him.

    That is why I cannot with this comic. And the sweet bean isn’t an abrasive person... he was taken advantage of without realizing it and without realizing he deserves better and there is better. Your friends deserve better too. Everyone deserves better.

    ag.jjtj September 19, 2020 2:59 pm
    ****sorry for the long post****Exactly. I think that it feels like a grey area... like yeah, we had sex one time, consensually, but does that mean you have to continue putting out? With my case, it was only one... Devvy.v

    God that’s so true. Rape is actually so common, I know at least 3/4 rape victims (2 guys in that) and it’s truly absurd how many people get away with it. They think they didn’t do anything wrong and blame a victim. Whenever it was with not being vocal and stuff like in your case or for example for wearing “revealing clothes” or “teasing”. I read a lot of webtoons that had rape very sexualized and same with sexual harassment, and it disgusts me how people fetishize it and glorify it. Like characters who are straight up abusers like in Bj Alex, Painter of the Night that basically 70% of it is rape but people still are like SO JEALOUS, DADDY. I know it’s just fiction but I still can’t understand it and it’s gross how people (not all) don’t see anything wrong with it. I wasn’t raped but I had a lot of situation on my own when I felt really uncomfortable with guy touching me but (once I was drunk) couldn’t say no. I had a situation when my 4 years older brother had a party. And he did like scold one of his friends for hitting on me. I was 15 I think then and this dude came to me and like started talking to me and asked for a pic with me, he grabbed my neck and I felt so uncomfortable I wanted just to go back to my room, I didn’t want to cause a scene since it was a party full of my brothers friends but it honestly still saddens me how he didn’t notice and instead took a photo of us. Rapists often manipulate and guilt trip victims and it’s so disgusting and people need to get that this is serious and just cause guy is hot doesn’t give him a right to get away with it.

    ag.jjtj September 19, 2020 3:01 pm
    God that’s so true. Rape is actually so common, I know at least 3/4 rape victims (2 guys in that) and it’s truly absurd how many people get away with it. They think they didn’t do anything wrong and blame... ag.jjtj

    Btw my brother took a pic and this guy was like at least 5 years older then me

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