tell me a bottom you hate but everyone loves,mine is jooin lmao
jooin’s from
chick guy’s from
Lol its 3 am rn over here. Anyway I get what you're trying to say but why should we hate dojin just because he has everything? It was hyesung who initiated the first sex. That's why he got a child and instead of owning up to what he did, or at least sucking it up, he just up and left. (Sure he came back but he was still a dick to Dojin)
And it does not change the fact that the uke was at fault. The one who started the entire thing plus he used dojin and then when he got the baby he threw them both away. Im not 'a piece of shit' for disliking a trashy character. Not everyone has to understand and accept your point of view. All I did was mention the uke I disliked who most others liked. That ismt a reason to come at me.
complain,i dare you.I will drag you in your comments