The raped scene are so detailed, hated every bit if him.
Wish artist could put an stop drawing such detailed rape scenes

The TWs are literally on your face almost every chapter if not every chapter, yet people like you still put no thoughts in your comments. What do we call people like you? Stupid? “I wish”, “hated” bro have you not been taught that if you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all? Well I hated your comment so go suck an egg

U say I've got nothing to say nice about, although you're the one acting all childish by calling me entitled. As for me, i literally commented on a fictional work about detailed rape and you here are the one inconsiderate if others, WTF WAS EXPECT TO GET REACTION PUBLICLY, how about you learn some ethics and morals instead of getting on mad on someone who just voiced their opinion on that disgusting damn rapes details
Ps: never got past more than 15 chaps, so your TW on every ddmn chap doesn't work on me, dropped it

It’s so funny how you started this whole thing, even someone replied to it. I replied to it, called you out on it. Gave you exactly what you did and then you put the blame on me and acting the victim. Ridiculous! Lololol and then bragging you’re better than me HAHAHAHAHA okay self validation, work! HAHAHAHAHA

So do they fuck or not?

Oh no no, i didn't mean it to be dirty. It's really precious and it's not nonsense type of sex. Even with the amount of smut I read, when i got to theirs, i feel like i am intruding. This is really good, I swear! Their conversation, internal monologues do give a lot about their feelings for each other. And it's not every chapter it's just that once they admit their feelings for each other, they make it so that the other person does not forget. And regardless of the romance aspect of the story, the other parts like the awakeners, magic, regression, politics, monsters etc are all happening at the same time and they are dealing with all all together at the same time. So dont be discouraged by what I commented, I highly recommend reading the novel, it's so good!
Just imagine you're so in love and then boom!! your boyfriend is gone!? Just like that, GHOSTED
No amount of excuses I think can make me like him again, how about leaving a small message or whatever to atleast help her cope with him, for 10 freaking years GONE, JUST LIKE THAT