Fujinoki, an ordinary office worker, finds unexpected joy in the irregular calls from his elementary...
- Author: Honda
- Genres: Seinen(M) / Action / Drama / Office Workers / Police / Slice of Life Action Drama Office Workers Police Slice of Life
Nike, a mysterious high school girl living in a small town by the sea in Hokkaido, begins a mysterio...
- Author: Shiina karuho
- Genres: Shoujo
To Hee-won’s dismay, the BFF she crushed on and her other BFF are now dating! Seriously bummed...
- Author: Lee jung,Kang ki
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life
In a city overflowing with heinous crimes and violence, two girls make it their job to kill criminal...
- Author: YOSHIMURA Kana
- Genres: Horror / Seinen / Supernatural / Yuri
- Author: Kuwabara Tamotsu
- Genres: Psychological / Romance / Yuri / School Life
Join us on our discord for latest update https://discord.gg/WcnxFxNC...
- Author: Nekoda
- Genres: Josei / Smut / Mystery / Romance / Royal family Mystery Romance Royal family
Her parents' house is riddled with debt, and there is not enough money for treatment to save her sic...
- Author: Suo
- Genres: Yuri / Action / Fantasy / Girls / Historical / Mecha / Monsters / Romance / Shoujo ai Action Fantasy Girls Historical Mecha Monsters Romance Shoujo ai
- Author: inoryuu hajime,itou shouta
- Genres: Thriller / Crime / Police / Mystery
- Author: inoryuu hajime,itou shouta
- Genres: Thriller / Crime / Police / Mystery
The very tall Kiyoko Naito is 5'9". She's outgoing, dependable, and is like a big sister to everyone...
- Author: Yokozawa
- Genres: Josei / Comedy / Office Workers / Romance Comedy Office Workers Romance
Tsubaki is a working woman who struggles with her relationship with her subordinate. Momoko is a uni...
- Author:
- Genres: Comedy / Seinen / Slice Of Life
Araki is a serious and proper type gay guy. Honest, older men are his type. Even then, the guy who m...
- Author: Sawa Machiko
- Genres: Romance / Slice of life / Erotica
A Shimizu-oriented live-in manga depicting a male streamer and an office worker who falls in love wi...
- Author: Sawaco
- Genres: Oneshot / Yaoi / Childhood Friends / Comedy / Office Workers / Shounen ai / Video Games Oneshot Childhood Friends Comedy Office Workers Shounen ai Video Games
[Batoto Scans] "I... want you to... have se-sex with me...!" The office lady (OL) Sumire is bad at ...
- Author: Fudou fudono
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Josei / Smut / Office Workers / Romance Japanese Manga Office Workers Romance
Stowing himself away on a slave ship, Julian sets sail for the great continent with a hundred slaves...
- Author:
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Supernatural
About to freeze to death on a day of heavy snow, Kento is saved by his neighbor Soushi. Dressed all ...
- Author: Mamita
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice of life / Yaoi
ch 1 pg 12
- Author: Sei soragami
- Genres: Josei / Shoujo / Comedy / Drama / Office Workers / Romance / Slice of Life Comedy Drama Office Workers Romance Slice of Life
They haven't done anything yet - A story about a serious, simple, unadorned young man who wears noth...
- Author: Minase mayu
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Slice of life
They haven't done anything yet - A story about a serious, simple, unadorned young man who wears noth...
- Author: Minase mayu
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Slice of life
ch 17 pg 8