Myst, Might, Mayhem
Chap 2.
I dropped. Idk was too much. Mc is a murderer. Ew. Mb. He find joy in killing others, someone killed his grandpa and he didn’t feel sad, he go and kill everyone he THINKS related to his grandpa death so yea he got caught and go to jail but one young master look exactly like him and want him to be a substitute, like a chance. But he kill that guy, cuz the “fake” has to be gone. Yea.. nah
Academy’s Undercover Professor
OO looks fun.
So. Mc’s a spy, and on the train he met a professor (who is another spy but he doesn’t know until a few chapters later ). And that guy got caught in the train hijack so he died. Then ppl mistook mc as that guy who died, then he has no choice but to take on that identity. Come to be the professor (that’s also another fake identity for sth idk, yea he doesn’t have parents or anything).
Good. I love his VIBE WOW. Chap.5 I already hate that blue hair girl, ew. She’s the smart type that is overconfident, she made the last teacher quit bcuz she point out his wrong technique or sth. And with mc being intimidate (cuz he doesn’t want lot of ppl to come to his class but I think that’s gonna make students want to come) she’s like “hm” and smirk, ew disgusting I hate her. I hope she’s not gonna be an important characetr
Hm 24. Well idk anything about the plot yet but he mentioned “I didn’t expect the book she wrote come back to her like this” and he mentioned the owner of the book died. So he came from future? Idk not yet know.
But hehe fun read until now. Love the way he teach students who are different differently, everyone is talented
Oo chap 27. omg he has a lot of identities alright. This one new, with hat and one side glasses wow
WOOW 30. All his identity. And reason is that he travels to find pieces to complete a relic. Hasn’t reveal what happen after he find all so yea
Oml 50. Hans transformation is TOUGH
Nvm idk anymore the story is a mess. Maybe I just can’t understand the plot. So many things going on. And the story kinda focus on students which I don’t really care about. Like I just wanna see my mc in action but the story seems to have more backstory than that. So yea it’s kinda getting boring to me. Soo chapter 60. Finished, dropped
One Hit Teacher, Master Baek
Ooo I hope this is good!
Mc in the demon cult or sth, they captured the 4 heroes and let mc learn the martial art from them but after 10 years they kill mc. Idk why. It okay. He came back decades later (yes futureee) in a martial art teacher body (aw he’s dead cuz illness). Yes. And dawg his father is my type
Ch.13 haha… chemistry (idk. I’m not really a ship person but yes)
Poison-Eating Healer