I dunno but for me their relationship and caesar’s character is vv realistic (when it comes to mafia stories),,cuz can we really expect a guy who’s been raised in that kind of environment (violence, kill or be killed) to know what is morally right and wrong? And I guess it’s realistic in a way that caesar doesn’t just change his ways and actions just because he fell in love because in the first place he never really knew what its like to love or be loved. I dunno if im making sense but in a way im just trying to say that we can’t expect someone to have the same standards as us when they are raised and taught in a different way. WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS THAT HIS CHARACTER IS REALISTIC AND EXACTLY HOW A MAFIA WOULD ACT,,I would even dare say that if mafiaXnormal peeps relationships are real it would be like this. I DUNNO IF IM MAKING SENSE BUT PLEASE KNOW THAT IM NOT DEFENDING HIS ACTIONS AND IM NOT SAYING THAT R@PE IS OKAY BUT WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS DUNNO WHY EVERYONE IS HATING ON HIS CHARACTER WHEN THIS IS HOW SOMEONE WHO IS RAISED TO BE A LITERAL MAFIA BOSS WOULD ACT. HIS ACTIONS ARENT RIGHT BUT ITS IN CHARACTER OF HIM(?) i dunno but yeah ig people are just used to reading mafia stories where when a mafia boss falls in love they suddenly become sweet and suddenly they know about what is morally right and wring etc.
ANYWAYS THIS IS JUST MY OPINION DONT COME FOR ME PLS HUHU (sorry this might sound a bit confusing but english is not my first language and i might come off as mad or defensive but its really just how i type ><)
Nope you’re 100% right. Even uke realised it too. No one taught cesare how to be a good human, just a good killer. He’s now learning everything that normal people learn when they are 1-2 years old at however old he is now (35-40 probably) and that doesn’t come easily nor quickly. All of these common sense things are useless to cesare outside of his relationship so of course he never knew it before. The only relationships he’s had has been murder or sex based and since he doesn’t want to kill his lover, he thinks it falls under the sex category without realising that to normal people, sex can be an act of violence just as bad as murder if not worse. He doesn’t know that though since he’s never had sex outside of fulfilling his needs and with his hubby. He’s never once used sex as an act of violence, only one of mutual lust. He’s essentially a newborn baby when it comes to emotions and morals and logic and tbh I doubt he had a full education so everything he’s feeling and seeing and experiencing now is truly a first. I hope they figure out how to find a middle ground and set some ground rules for communication like that other book with the guy who can’t feel any emotions. Cesare also needs punishment for his actions but that can come after they talk things out.
I get where you’re coming from.
I also don’t understand why people believe that someone who’s 30-40+ y.o. spent their entire life involved in killing or mafia activities, trained from a young age to survive in such a harsh environment, would suddenly transform because of another person. Seriously?
This whole “I can fix him” mindset and fairy tale ending logic is beyond me.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WDYM ITS NOT COMPLETED *this is what happens when u don’t check the story status//chapters, kids T-T*