Tsukishima Kai September 10, 2023 7:14 pm

WTF so all the frustrations I felt since ch. 67 was for this moment? I was about to drop this manhwa because of those chapters! I thought they were unnecessarily long (3 chapters of sex is really long) and I thought the author just decided to abandon this manhwa. I'm glad I'm reading this in one sitting.

    volleyballhippie September 13, 2023 10:15 pm


    Tsukishima Kai September 14, 2023 2:14 am

    ( ̄∇ ̄") Man this is the first time I've read three consecutive chapters that had sex on it for a manhwa that actually has a plot lol. I can't imagine what it felt like waiting for the next chapter just to be given another set of the same happenings

    volleyballhippie September 14, 2023 7:43 am
    ( ̄∇ ̄") Man this is the first time I've read three consecutive chapters that had sex on it for a manhwa that actually has a plot lol. I can't imagine what it felt like waiting for the next chapter just to ... Tsukishima Kai

    Girl after the second or third orgasm I’m like okay. Enough now, get back to the story line

    Tsukishima Kai September 14, 2023 11:14 am
    Girl after the second or third orgasm I’m like okay. Enough now, get back to the story line volleyballhippie

    Hahahaha I actually skimmed through the whole chapter! As long as I see naked bodies I didn't bother to read lmao

    volleyballhippie September 14, 2023 4:34 pm
    Hahahaha I actually skimmed through the whole chapter! As long as I see naked bodies I didn't bother to read lmao Tsukishima Kai

    I feel like kissing is okay. Like I always die when they kiss, but as soon as I see that lightsaber I’m like okay bud it wasn’t that deep

    Anczar September 20, 2023 6:44 pm

    ive read once with 10 chpter of them having sex i forgor the title

    volleyballhippie September 21, 2023 2:49 pm
    ive read once with 10 chpter of them having sex i forgor the title Anczar

    I just get bored after the first couple times like fr who wants to see ten chapters of this shit

Tsukishima Kai September 10, 2023 7:47 am

HOW ARE THEY SO ADORABLE AND CUTE TOGETHER?! I just want them to have a happy ending omg I'm literally crying over this couple. I didn't expect to be this invested in them ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Bubbang September 10, 2023 12:10 pm

    I know like, this completely busted my moral compass

Tsukishima Kai September 10, 2023 3:17 am

I called it! I knew it! Geonwoo's rejection must've been so gentle, sincere, and honest that any girl would have no choice but to give up and support his love at the same time. He's just that MAN we all could ever dream of (▰˘◡˘▰)

Tsukishima Kai September 10, 2023 2:57 am

Y'all I love that we're gonna see them have seggs again but Jaehyuk needs to realise his feelings fast so we can see him go head over heels for Garamヽ(`Д´)ノ I don't want Garam to realise it first (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Tsukishima Kai September 8, 2023 11:31 am

I mean, just look at them, they're all smitten by Toma all the time ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Anyway, Kenta my man. I fell in love with him since the first time he appeared in this manhwa and he didn't disappoint!!! I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Mea September 12, 2023 1:38 am

    Ommmyy godddd!!! Saameee, the first time I saw him I already knew he was gonna be my faveeee, I loveee himmmm!!!!

    Tsukishima Kai September 12, 2023 6:09 am
    Ommmyy godddd!!! Saameee, the first time I saw him I already knew he was gonna be my faveeee, I loveee himmmm!!!! Mea

    Riiiiight????! Like, I wouldn't even mind a series about him just wholesomely serving and protecting Toma as a baby. I mean, anything about him will be good

Tsukishima Kai September 5, 2023 6:00 am

I let this sit on my to read list for so long because I'm skeptic about it but it's so good! I hate that I just read it but I'm also glad that I just did since I can read it in one sitting, aaahhhh Idk anymore(/TДT)/ It was an emotional roller coaster, I felt to frustrated and angry at some point but was crying happy tears the next. This author's growth and the characters' growth was such a bliss to witness, and I love every character in this manhwa! Also loved that it has Alpha x Omega, Beta x Omega, and Beta x Alpha, the author really made sure everyone is included and I love it! Love Byul and Dal to the moon and back!

Although I love our main couple very much, and I loved seeing how Chowon changed for the better because pf Kyungsoo's pure and sincere love for him, I felt like I've fallen for Dojun and Heesoo's story more. Anyways, I love that everyone had a happy ending!

Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 11:38 am

People are romanticising the main couple's relationship right now when they're nothing more than an employer and an employee lmao. That's why you guys hate the seme so much, because you want him to treat the uke as a love interest when in fact, he's not, at least for now #-.-)

Dan IS indeed his sex toy. He's being paid a huge chunk of money every month to take care of seme's sexual needs. Imagine paying for something that expensive and someone else wants to use them? Yeah. I'm objectifying the uke in this particular manhwa because the author set that fact since the start. Dan is Jaekyung's possession right now because he's literally paying him and our Dan here knows that. Now, if you guys look at it in a business viewpoint, what Heesung wants to do with Dan is basically fishing an employee from an employer, and you guys don't get why JK is becoming more of an ass?? Yeah. He IS an ass and I'm not saying his actions are to to be forgotten. However, JK's issues are valid in that sense where he officially asked Dan for this in return of the huge money he needs and Dan AGREED to it at the very beginning so Dan definitely doesn't have the right to act otherwise.

Now, if the author wants to make some progress and starts feeding "feelings" into this business relationship, then that's where we have the right to talk shit about the seme if he doesn't change his ways.

Also, if Dan wants to escape from JK and HS is willing to take Dan away from JK, then he should just go. Especially if HS will pay JK what Dan owes JK. Kinda not possible from how the things look right now but just a maybe lol

AND I agree that this is poorly written, and that we're getting nowhere in the plot, so I'm technically reading this just for the art. Who knows? Maybe we'll get to see something more interesting in the future (if there's a future for this manhwa at all ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Meruemshu September 3, 2023 12:03 pm

    This is the definition of fake-smart take.

    It's a toxic BL, with a classic rich toxic seme + poor weak uke trope, they will end up together and in love, no matter how the story started. Whether you like it or not. Whether you trash the seme or not.

    And of course it's going somewhere, it's a very common type of plot so how many brain cells are you lacking to not see where it's going?

    This is just a very common jealousy arc, in a very commonly toxic story with a toxic main couple. Jaekyung will try to show ownership, then male rival will lose, Jaekyung will realize his feelings, and then they're gonna be together after some more extra eps.

    It's so glaring obvious because it's so common, and at this point anyone who reads a lot of BL ESPECIALLY toxic ones knows. We're just reading because we love it. We're reading different shades of the same thing because we love the core. We love the trope.

    And there are always braidead dumbasses who can't stand toxicity but will still read toxic BL tropes and complain because it gives them a higher sense of morality or whatever. They're annoying but always there.

    So what is this bullshit take trying to intellectualize this basic trope? Be fucking for real.

    Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 12:20 pm
    This is the definition of fake-smart take. It's a toxic BL, with a classic rich toxic seme + poor weak uke trope, they will end up together and in love, no matter how the story started. Whether you like it or n... Meruemshu

    Idk why but I'm just laughing my ass off right now like I've been waiting for this attack right after I posted my comment ┗( T﹏T )┛ Was I supposed to be offended by you shaming me in your reply?

    Of course I know that this is a common trope in bl and that the main couple will end up together whether people like it or not, and that's exactly why I'm seeing this as pure comedy lmao.

    I'm not trying to intellectualise anything here, I'm sharing my viewpoint as a reader just how others are sharing theirs. I mean, I like to think beyond what's common, and I also love seeing things in a different perspective, and that's how I enjoy my time reading cliché tropes like this. Because it IS cliché. So how do you enjoy cliché plots where you already know what's gonna happen? Think differently. See what's beyond. Because if I already know what's gonna happen in the end and don't try to think while I'm reading, I won't be able to enjoy this. But welp, if what I thought was not what the author intended, so be it. I still enjoyed it trying to think differently. It's just part of the fun of being a reader tbh (▰˘◡˘▰)

    So sorry if my opinion doesn't coincide with yours, but each to their own (●'◡'●)ノ

    Meruemshu September 3, 2023 12:45 pm
    Idk why but I'm just laughing my ass off right now like I've been waiting for this attack right after I posted my comment ┗( T﹏T )┛ Was I supposed to be offended by you shaming me in your reply? Of course... Tsukishima Kai

    I don't care whether you're offended or not. I'm just pointing out the stupidity of your take, how you feel about it is a you problem.

    I don't even disagree on your actual point I just think you do it in a very fake smart way.

    As for "different Perspective" I analyze when it's relevant. For example, analyzing killing stalking is intellectually relevant because the author has used concepts that can completely change the "role" of the characters. (Bad guy good guy)

    But you on the other hand are full of shit, here's a couple examples:

    EXAMPLE 1:

    Yes, Jaekyung is paying and they have a contract, so he is entitled to the contract's content.
    But that whole stupid BS about how he is possessive because he pays for it is absolutely fake smart stupidity. This is just the very cliché part of toxic BLs wear ML doesn't want MC to hang around other men because he's starting to catch feelings that he hasn't identified yet.

    And this didn't start with the rival's appearance, it started when Dan was just simply interacting with the other gym members. Jaekyung was mad and side eyeing for no reason EVEN when he didn't need him.

    And as someone who claims to know how cliché it is you should have spotted that and understood it, but instead you attached it to the contract because you are fake smart.

    EXAMPLE 2:

    You say we're getting no where in the plot, even though we literally know in advance how it's gonna end up EXACTLY because it's cliché.

    A plot is literally defined by having an initial situation, a breaking point, peripeties, a climax and a final situation. That's 8th grade literature classes for you. Therefore anyone with half a brain who's been to school can tell that the plot's going somewhere.

    And I got many other ones I could drag you in the mud for ages.

    So it's not that we disagree my guy, you're just full of shit and I'm pointing it out.

    Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 1:10 pm
    I don't care whether you're offended or not. I'm just pointing out the stupidity of your take, how you feel about it is a you problem. I don't even disagree on your actual point I just think you do it in a very... Meruemshu

    Well sorry that my take is just "full of shit" to your intelligence your majesty. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I couldn't care less about whether you can drag me into the mud for something that is not as relevant as my OWN opinion in my OWN comment.

    I don't know if you really just like having an argument over a cliché bl or if attacking someone for having fun in their own way is how you have fun, but feel free to dislike and talk trash me, I'll welcome you with open arms ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Discussing your examples of why you're calling my opinion 'shit' will get me nowhere so I will just catch them all to satisfy you.

    Is there anything else you want to say about how shitty my opinion is? I enjoy reading people's comments and opinions even if they're totally different from mine so don't worry. Vent as much as you like (=・ω・=)

    Meruemshu September 3, 2023 1:13 pm
    Well sorry that my take is just "full of shit" to your intelligence your majesty. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I couldn't care less about whether you can drag me into the mud for something that is not as relevant as my O... Tsukishima Kai

    No that's it, you're just fake smart and full of shit I've said all I had to say,


    Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 1:16 pm
    No that's it, you're just fake smart and full of shit I've said all I had to say, Goodbye Meruemshu

    Yeah, I'm okay being called fake smart. Thanks for your replies! Have a nice day, bye! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 10:28 am

I'm good with the friends' side story, like, I hope they clear it up. I don't like how they started so I wanna know how author-nim will continue... but I'm looking forward to boss' one more. Also, if they ever decide to create more main couple side story, I hope we get to see more growth on Inseo because he's basically a baby being cared for by Hyuk haha

Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 4:16 am

OMG WHY SO SHORT!? THIS SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 50 CHAPTERSSSSS WHYYYYYY (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Anyways, can someone recommend something like this? Puppy cop seme and hot muscular uke or whatever just a fluffy but hot bl manhwa like this? I don't want to read toxic ones in the meantime lol

Tsukishima Kai September 3, 2023 3:39 am

Lol Garam is now infected by the bdmp virus, let's see if his horny self can win over his mind. I'm excited for the next seggs! We all know how smitten Jaehyuk is for Garam now right? He doesn't want anyone other than him now yiiiieeeeeee ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ but the glasses guy is a clown and a disgrace to mankind. Garam, be careful baby boy

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