Plots about when Love interest/MC fall inlove the Love interest/MC from when they were a child then grow up to have relations with MC/Love interest
Now I'm translating a story like this and are stories like this like okay-?
I'm asking this because, I'm probably not mature enough to understand things like this but lets say MC had a crush on a older person from when they were younger and the love interest raised them and such and their not blood related so when they come to age or even in highschool they get to pursue the love interest.
sorry if its confusing- but I feel like I'm in a moral battle because things like this are wrong right? I read stories like this before but tend to avoid them but now that I'm translating one I just have a bunch of question marks like "is this really okay?" or "don't they seen them as a parental figure tho?" stories like these leave me wondering if this kind of thing is okay.