I neeeeeedddd the next chapt asap. Tbh I didn’t think I’d like the story of the past as much but boiiiii was I wrong.
Finna start throwing hands if a certain someone ruins this
Daaaaammmnnn and I forgot just how dangerous this was
Cmonnnnn dudee. this is frustrating ong
Stressssseddddddd that Choi mf I hope to see you 6 feet under soonnnn
Im stressed
She will not be missed. May the two others follow her
You are funnyyyyyyyyyyy i'm cackling!!!
And he ended up being more of a cringe romanticcccc
Hope next chapter won’t be just s€x n that there’s some sort of mf communicationnnnnnn cause poor jin man
That lil blonde twink beeeettttterrrr gtfo asap cuz he be getting on my nerves n I feel like he gon cause trouble soon
I neeeeeedddd the next chapt asap. Tbh I didn’t think I’d like the story of the past as much but boiiiii was I wrong.