this isnt just specific to this manga, (though it applies) but i feel like authors should makes things at least a bit believable. as in, when they make mls and second mls, the ml should be better than the second for the girl to choose him. but i rarely see that. most of the time the fl falls for the ml for some insignificant thing like, 'he didnt mind my height", and then the second ml shows up, and he loves her for so much more, treats her right but shes just blind. its honestly so disappointing. if ur gonna make him the ml, at least add a reason, not just cause he showed up first.

im up to ep 30 and i just have to say, this isnt bad but theres so many things that are annoying me. like the author has no attention to detail, they both walked to the ml house so where the hell did his car come from when he was leaving? ands theres so many other instances too. still, its an addictive story so ill see where this goes.
im still confused on why hes blue