Shimonseka's experience ( All 0 )

Shimonseka's answer ( All 2 )

Sometimes I continue piling up my history and then delete if it's too much. Even though it's my own device I still delete my history though   reply
28 12,2016
Even though I'm still on a dilemma about getting married, I'm thinking of trying to later on in life, but I'm still okay with the single life I'm living in. I've already thought about not getting married and having children and I don't think it's weird. It's your decision. I've thought about getting married but not having kids due to my lack of con......   reply
27 12,2016

Shimonseka's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

NEW DROP "got two girls in the cut and idk what to do"~

4 hours
did watch hentai

The rite of passage for all anime enjoyers. If you havent watched a single hentai, dont call yourself an anime fan.

4 hours
want to do be adorable

I'd like to think I'm adorable irl. But I'm old now so. I still feel adorable on the inside but my physical appearance let's me down.

4 hours