kudou x kokoro lowkey... the real freaks are freaks that don't pretend to be after they do something freaky

Double it and make it two, actually why not a year or maybe forever

guys its a one shot that'll be cut up into chapters...there will be more...

Memes1 created a topic of Contract Sisters

Ummm why’s everyone grazing over the fact incest and pedophilia is involved…like the story was good at first until like it showed the two sisters kissing
Also the sister marrying someone who resembled their father is just so I guess looks can really get you out of anything huh…mimei the only normal one here bruh

Memes1 created a topic of Snow Complex

why this lwk pmo cuz like…

Memes1 created a topic of Blessing In Disguise

this is like a perfect medium rare steak

Memes1 created a topic of Snow Complex
Memes1 created a topic of Long-awaited Feelings
Memes1 created a topic of Chilblains

hopefully the title doesn’t mean a bad ending for them…maybe kira will tell the truth in the end and they’re happy…maybe…….

Memes1 created a topic of Amasaya

blud riri is not in the wrong for saying she’s devilish … luna literally should’ve told mai straight up what happened instead of leading her on after they’ve broken up.. imagine if your ex told broke up with you but still kept contact after a vague break up… i’d crash out

Memes1 answered question about question
I mean, personally, I just feel like society has made it to where if you're a girl that's really close to another girl, you're just 'best friends'. But also, historically it's just always been like that. men lay with each other as a way to vent their desires. It's also fetish too, for some. its weird...
Memes1 created a topic of Fall

wow the prologue kinda makes me worried…what if this is a tragedy….

why go back bruh imagine having magical powers and immense wealth but decide to go back to a miserable life smh should’ve ended ch 90 bruh