Guys. Count me stupid. How was mc “abandoning” his empire when all he did is log off lol? And how did he fall in love with a game character and when did he and how did he confess? And how was he rejected? And why is the ml such an a hole while all the others are head over heels for mc? Please help my slow brain understand
This will be a spoiler.
So...MC's empire previous kings are bunch of bad people. So when he finally arrived they were skeptical of him especially the Duke that killed him three times. But the MC worked hard to gain their trust and even give them names/nicknames. It is not in the current chapters here but the duke also love the MC. When the MC confessed he loves the duke (Chapter 3), the escort in the game changed his reply into, "I despite you." It was due to the fact they're advancing too fast in the tower, leaving the other empires behind. So they wanted him to give a reason to stop playing for a while.
Why is this like nu carnival?