first i must confess, its shameful but i have 0 pc skills, but i am a native spanish speaker and the spanish translation is available, if someone is willing to clean and typeset i could be happy to re translate the missing chapters of this work, it's such a pity that has been untouched here is 2011

Never mind, just found the official english translation https://www.sublimemanga.com/reader/598 ^^

this webcomic is making me numb, i don't get surprised, shocked, and my empathy is fading away, but i can't stop myself of wait for the aftermath of this train wreck, i still don't get how the mc has not mentally broken down and or attempted suicide yet, because against yule his only leverage is himself, its such a pity he doesn't use it, i could love to see yule terrified at the prospect of losing him for good

And He had a Breakdown on the same chapter, He was going to trust Yule and open to him (not exactly forgiving him), but then He found out He did to him more or less the same as 3 year ago (this time without watching, and "only" 1 rapist).
I think this is why He stopped being afraid for DongHyuk's life and couldn't endure it anymore so He scaped. Only to regret it and face more abuse and fear as ever.
Poor Kyungso!!

true true, i forgot that he did have a nervous breakdown, and he did threat him with suicide, and that is how he actually managed to get away in the first place, sucks that he didn't get far enough to scape the spider web, but it is understandable if we consider his level of isolation, but he keeps bouncing back and gets knocked down right away, maybe the only scape could be if yule dies somehow, i mean even if kyungso won't snap and kill him, yule is in that line of work and with his charming personality he must have rubbed a couple of ppl wrong, somehow i don't think he is destined to die of old age, what do you think?

I always thought that Yule probably kept watching over dongHyuk while He had Kyungsoo living with him (maybe He asked his Rape-bros to do it, so if Kyungsoo ever ran away, He'll find him quickly). It would make sense for him to be prepared for this since He didn't expect Kyungsoo to run away the first time, and expended 3 years looking for him.
I was hoping at some point that the brother would kill Yule and make it look like an accident... XDDD He has the means.... but probably He hasn't done it because of the sister.

oh i totally overlooked the older brother, since kyungsoo reminds him of his mother he might just be his get out of jail card, i don't think he could give blondie a happy ending but he could give him an oversea ticket and some money to start anew, he owns him way more than that, also its been bugging me that the puppy seme actually knows were yule and kyungsoo lives :B

try http://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/daily-life-of-a-gay-couple/list?title_no=117228
its a super cute and funny slice of life, often touching, and is based in the real life of its characters

this is such a lucid, introspective, nostalgic, beautiful, cruel and moody slice of life, the characters are well fleshed out, flawed and lovable, but despite being stunning i think its a manga that can be better enjoyed once the reader has put behind their youthful yet naive idealism, and have become more aware that life and people are never good or bad, its so much complex and richer than that. this masterpiece is a bitter sweet tale of love, self discovery and coming of age that deserves to be re read once you learn to accept that sometimes life chip away little pieces of you, but in exchange you gain so much more.

I loved this. And the way you put it was exactly what I was thinking but worded waaay better. I was a lot like Mirai and similar things had happened to me too. I was taken advantage of and abused because I chose to believe in the person I loved. I loved them fully and wholeheartedly, getting upset with anyone who said anything bad about them. So this was like rewatching my naïveté play out all over again and it really really hit home. Everyone in comments saying that Mirai wasn’t an idiot clearly hasn’t experienced many things in life or simply can’t find it in them to understand him. This was undoubtedly a misunderstood masterpiece.

I was always turned off by the furry universe, but this manga was so sweet and coherent in its own universe that it didn't bother me one bit, granted, the smutty scenes did nothing for me, but they didn't turn me off, it was all in all beautifully done and heart warming, and that fanfic by the scanlator was the cherry on top, thanks a lot, it was just lovely

actually the hole of the donut is a paradox, at the same time existing and not existing, its not unlike Schrödinger's cat, in which the cat inside the box, as long as the box is not open is both dead and alive at the same time, which is in turn an analogy to the time mimori expend with megane kun, which at the same time happened and didnt happened, since himself was an existence which was both dead and alive at the same time, mmmhh errr to me it makes a lot of sense but im not sure if it helps, i kinda sucks at explaining heh
it sucks that you had to redo your work, thank you for putting the time and effort twice, i really enjoy the serie and i look forward to more, i hope someone will be able to score the raws and post them here